FOR SALE DESERTPETE4’s ENTIRE MILITARY INVENTORY on eBAY and in the U.S DesertPete4 has been a mainstay of unique militaria on eBay since 1999, especially from the old Soviet Bloc. Our reputation has been above reproach and our contacts in the Balkans, especially, have been about as good as it can get. You are also buying those contacts if you want them.My reasons for selling off this part of the business are these:I have other business in the region and my asking price will enable me to make other investments there. I sell exclusively on the internet, in fact almost exclusively on eBay and the “new” market for military sales from that region will come from the storehouses of old militaria that can be sold not only on the internet but also at retail/wholesale and at military shows.The vendors there I will introduce you to, as my exclusive successor, also sell on the internet, and higher-end collectibles such as uniforms from the Royal era and earlier, now have such a good market in the EU it is impossible for me to buy and bring to the States to sell at a profit. Direct access to that market, with cash, will provide a collector-buyer with a distinct buying advantage. I’m in my 60s now and see that the next levels of investment growth for this market, at least 10 years in the Balkans, and even longer in smaller Black Sea and Baltic countries as Russia begins to withdraw once again, are for a younger man with access to quicker cash turnaround.
NOTE: The Owner of the Inventory shown suddenly died on 12 July, 2009, and I am helping his widow dispose of the inventory that is shown in the photos here. This may be a good opportunity to deal. The best buyer will be one who is: 1) a private collector as well as dealer, as the things you wish to collect can only be found there, and not through a middle-man such as me. CASH IS STILL KING and many items Bulgarian sellers are offering can be had at greatly reduced prices if the cash is in hand and you are there. 2) a retailer/wholesaler, as well as eBay seller, and military show participant. My latest visits to Bulgaria turned up (multiple) warehouses filled with items of which I could only justify buying 4-5 pcs each, but dozens, even hundreds were available. No American or European has as yet tapped this market. I am the only American with the close contacts to be able to do.(See my eBay Store under Vintage Political and Militaria, Military Insignia, Pins and Medals, Military Photos and cards,Military/Political Posters…all are included, PLUS an option on Cigarettes and medical items from that era, which we sell to re-enactors.)
The Offer: The entire Inventory of MILITARY ONLY (not political or Chinese items, incl a few military books) Not included is the 1884 San Stefano tapestry, but you will have an option on it at a Reduced price. : Political items are optional, other items such as tobacco and medical items are also optional : Non-Competition Agreement (I will continue buying in Bulgaria, but not military items and will guarantee in writing not to offer any military items (except locally procured) on the the internet. : Introduction to all my Bulgarian sources, at Buyer’s chosen time, app 1 week (You’ll need a passport, est one week air/ lodging, expect to pay $1200-$1500. I've attached photos of just one small private warehouse from which we draw. Those items come from still larger government warehouses. Most of the items cannot be found anywhere else, and are being sold one piece at a time. They just beg for quick sale at wholesale prices. The photos shown ARE NOT PART OF THE CURRENT OFFER, EXCEPT ACCESS TO THEMBASIS: Offer based on a fraction (app 1/3rd- 1/2) of retail value. You can do your own math, but UNIQUE military items at auction now are valued over $16,000. Multiples, mostly posters, WWII kepis, shoulder boards, (a list can be sent) are valued at another $35,000, bringing the total to USD 51,000. (Also included is approx $1000 in German WWII items not shown on eBay.) I estimate my actual cost, including air shipping for those goods, to be $ 18,500. So our opening offer is below cost. I’ve tacked on another $5000 for the business itself, especially in introducing the winner to all my contacts in Bulgaria as well as a guided tour of how to buy there, where, and logistics of importing into the US.
If you only want the inventory and don't want to travel I can serve as an agent, or we can adjust the price. eBay will still get their fees. JUST PULL THE BEST OFFER BUTTON AND WE CAN DISCUSS IT.
Process: Winner will, upon notification, pay to me via Paypal $500, which will serve as a non-refundable down-payment. Winner will have 60 days to complete the payment and transfer of property. The sooner the better as all items will remain active in eBay Stores, all sales held in escrow for the winner. I estimate a 10-14’ U-Haul for transportation. Winner will want to visit me here in Chester, VA, and make a physical count. Expect one long day. Payment by cashier’s check. Upon physical delivery of the goods, Winner will have 60 days to copy-cut-paste all items into his eBay store, if that is his choice. We will delete items as this process goes on. We will also add notices in other select, mostly political, auction sites that our military goods have been sold and that they can be found at such-and-such a site on eBay. If you use other sites as well, or a website, we can only do so within eBay’s guidelines. Buyer can select anytime he wishes to visit Bulgaria. You’ll need a passport (no visa required) and Oct-May are the best times. Allow for one week, and allow for app 3 weeks advance booking to get best air rates. Feel free to ask any questions.