You are bidding on a very old American Revolution painting of an "Seaman" hand painted on wood. In fairly good condition with a few chips missing from the wood. The story behind this piece of art is that it was found hidden in the attic of a 200 yr old farm house in Virginia when the family purchased it back in the late 1800's. They are still not sure if it was a soldier that painted this peice or not. The chain had been added to this peice at a later date.
There were two paintings found. This one features a Seaman wearing a blue coat with gold buttons, a black scarf around his neck, a black hat, red shirt, white pants and black shoes holding a sword. The artist's name is what looks like B K Berry, The back of this piece has and old looking piece of paper with the words "Seaman 1791". Almost looks like this was painted on a piece of Barn wood. Very nice piece of history. We also have the other painting on wood of an Officer in a seperate auction.
Height: 16"
Width: 8"
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