The Master Edition of The War of the Rebellion is the result of two years effort creating a two DVD product that contains the entire OR in both searchable and page perfect presentation. In this edition, every page looks exactly as it would if you opened a physical book. That means that all the images, tables and indexes are properly organized and easily readable - something that doesn't exist in most digital versions of the OR. In most instances, the tables have been all jumbled by the process to convert the books to text - and any images are completely gone - but that is not the case in the Master Edition.
Here is a sample table page and image page exactly as you will see in the Master Edition OR. (Note: Images have been shrunk to fit more nicely into the ad.)
As you can see, this table is fully understandable and useful. If you have looked at tables in other versions of the OR (our low cost version included, it looks like a jumble of text because the normal page to text process does not know how to maintain table integrity.)
So if you are looking for a picture perfect OR at a fraction of the cost of purchasing a text set, this is the collection you have been waiting for. Here are the full details of what is included in this two DVD series.
Author: United States. War Dept.
Title: The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
Other Title: Official records of the Union and Confederate armies
Publisher: Govt. Print. Off.
Place of Publication: Washington
MoA Volumes: Series I, 1-53; Series II, 1-8; Series III, 1-5; Series IV, 1-4 (1880 - 1901)
Chapter I - Operations in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Dec. 20, 1860-Apr. 4, 1861Volume II. 1880. (Vol. 2, Chap. 9)
Chapter II - The secession of Georgia. Jan. 3-26, 1861.
Chapter III - The secession of Alabama and Mississippi. Jan. 4-20, 1861.
Chapter IV - Operations in Florida. Jan. 6-Aug. 31, 1861.
Chapter V - The secession of North Carolina. Jan. 9-May 20, 1861.
Chapter VI - The secession of Louisiana. Jan. 10-Feb. 19, 1861.
Chapter VII - Operations in Texas and New Mexico. Feb. 1-Jun 11, 1861.
Chapter VIII - Operations in Arkansas, the Indian Territory, and Missouri. Feb. 7-May 9, 1861.
Chapter VIX - Operations in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Apr 16-Jul 31, 1861.Volume III. 1881. (Vol. 3, Chap. 10)
Chapter X - Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and Indian Territory. May 10-Nov. 19, 1861.Volume IV. 1882. (Vol. 4, Chap. 11-13)
Chapter XI - Operations in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Jun 11, 1861-Feb. 1, 1862.Volume V. 1881. (Vol. 5, Chap. 14)
Chapter XII - Operations in Kentucky and Tennessee. Jul 1-Nov. 19, 1861.
Chapter XIII - Operations in North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia. Aug. 1, 1861-Jan. 11, 1862.
Chapter XIV - Operations in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and West Virginia. Aug. 1, 1861-Mar 17, 1862.Volume VI. 1882. (Vol. 6, Chap. 15-16)
Chapter XV - Operations on the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Middle and East Florida. Aug 21, 1861-Apr 11, 1862.Volume VII. 1882. (Vol. 7, Chap. 17)
Chapter XVI - Operations in West Florida, Southern alabama, Southern Mississippi, and Louisiana. Sep 1, 1861-May 12, 1862.
Chapter XVII - Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, N. Alabama, and W. Virginia. Nov. 19, 1861-Mar 4, 1862.Volume VIII. 1883. (Vol. 8, Chap. 18)
Chapter XVIII - Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Indian Territory. Nov. 19, 1861-Apr 10, 1862.Volume IX. 1883. (Vol. 9, Chap. 19-21)
Chapter XIX - Operations in Southeastern Virginia. Jan. 11-Mar 17, 1862.Volume X - in Two Parts. 1884. (Vol. 10, Chap. 22)
Chapter XX - Operations in North Carolina. Jan. 11-Aug. 20, 1862.
Chapter XXI - Operations in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Feb. 1-Sep. 20, 1862.
Chapter XXII - Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. Mar 4-Jun 10, 1862.Volume XI - in Three Parts. 1884. (Vol. 11, Chap. 23)
Part I -- Reports
Part II -- Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XXIII - The Peninsular Campaign, Virginia. Mar 17-Sep. 2, 1862.Volume XII - in Three Parts. 1885. (Vol. 12, Chap. 24)
Part I -- Reports, Mar 17-Jun 24
Part II -- Reports, Jun 25-Sep 2
Part III -- Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XXIV - Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland. Mar 17-Sep 2, 1862.Volume XIII. 1885. (Vol. 13, Chap. 25)
Part I -- Reports, Mar 17-Jun 25
Part II -- Reports, Jun 26-Sep 2
Part II - Supplement 1886
Part III -- Correspondence
Chapter XXV -- Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, the Indian Territory, and the Department of the Northwest. Apr. 10-Nov. 20, 1862.Volume XIV. 1885. (Vol. 14, Chap. 26)
Chapter XXVI - Operations on the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Middle and East Florida. Apr 12, 1862-Jun 11, 1863.Volume XV. 1886. (Vol. 15, Chap. 27)
Chapter XXVII - Operations in West Florida, Southern Alabama, Southern Mississippi (embracing all operations against Vicksburg, May 18-Jul 27, 1862); and Louisiana, May 12, 1862-May 14, 1863; and operations in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, Sep 20,1862-May 14, 1863.Volume XVI - in Two Parts. 1886. (Vol. 16, Chap. 28)
Chapter XXVIII - Operations in Kentucky, Middle and East Tennessee, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. Jun 10-Oct 31, 1862.Volume XVII - in Two Parts. 1886/1887. (Vol. 17, Chap. 29)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XXIX - Operations in West Tennessee and Northern Mississippi. Jun 10, 1862-Jan 20, 1863.Volume XVIII. 1887. (Vol. 18, Chap. 30)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XXX - Operations in North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia. Aug 29, 1862-Jun 3, 1863.Volume XIX - in Two Parts. 1887. (Vol. 19, Chap. 31)
Chapter XXXI - Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Sep 3-Nov 14, 1862.Volume XX - in Two Parts. 1887. (Vol. 20, Chap. 32)
Part I - Reports, September 3-20
Part II - Reports, September 20-November 14; Correspondence, etc., Sept 3-Nov. 14
Chapter XXXII - Operations in Kentucky, Middle and East Tennessee, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. Nov. 1, 1862-Jan. 20, 1863.Volume XXI. 1888. (Vol. 21, Chap. 33)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XXXIII - Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. November 15, 1862 - January 25, 1863.Volume XXII - in Two Parts. 1888. (Vol. 22, Chap. 34)
Chapter XXXIV - Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, the Indian Territory, and the Department of the Northwest. Nov. 20, 1862-Dec. 31, 1863.Volume XXIII - in Two Parts. 1889. (Vol. 23, Chap. 35)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XXXV - Operations in Kentucky, Middle and East Tennessee, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. January 21 - August 10, 1863.Volume XXIV - in Three Parts. 1889. (Vol. 24, Chap. 36)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XXXVI - Operations in Mississippi and West Tennessee, including those in Arkansas and Louisiana connected with the Siege of Vicksburg. January 20 - August 10, 1863.Volume XXV - in Two Parts. 1889. (Vol. 25, Chap. 37)
Part I - Reports, Jan. 20-May 15, including the "General Reports" for whole period. January 20-August 10
Part II - Reports, May 16-August 10
Part III - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XXXVII - Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. January 26-June 3, 1863.Volume XXVI - in Two Parts. 1889. (Vol. 26, Chap. 38)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XXXVIII - Operations in West Florida, Southern Alabama, Southern Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico. May 14-December 31, 1863.Volume XXVII - in Three Parts. 1889. (Vol. 27, Chap. 39)
Part I - Reports, Union Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XXXIX - Operations in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Department of the East. June 3-August 3, 1863.Volume XXVIII - in Two Parts. 1890. (Vol. 28, Chap. 40)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Reports
Part III - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XL - Operations on the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia, an din Middle and East Florida. June 12-December 31, 1863.Volume XXIX - in Two Parts. 1890. (Vol. 29, Chap. 41)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XLI - Operations in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. August 4-December 31, 1863.Volume XXX - in Four Parts. 1890. (Vol. 30, Chap. 42)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XLII - Operations in Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, North Alabama, and North Georgia. August 11-October 19, 1863.Volume XXXI - in Three Parts. 1890. (Vol. 31, Chap. 43)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Reports
Part III - Union Correspondence, etc.
Part IV - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XLIII - Operations in Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, North Alabama, and North Georgia. October 20-December 31, 1863.Volume XXXII - in Three Parts. 1891. (Vol. 32, Chap. 44)
Part I - Reports and Union Correspondence
Part II - Reports
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XLIV - Operations in Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and North Georgia. January 1-April 30, 1864.Volume XXXIII. 1891. (Vol. 33, Chap. 45)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XLV - Operations in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. January 1-April 30, 1864.Volume XXXIV - in Four Parts. 1891. (Vol. 34, Chap. 46)
Chapter XLVI - Operations in Louisiana and the Trans-Mississippi States and Territories. January 1-June 30, 1864.Volume XXXV - in Two Parts. 1891. (Vol. 35, Chap. 47)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part IV - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XLVII - Operations in South Carolina and Florida, and on the Georgia Coast. January 1-November 13, 1864.Volume XXXVI - in Three Parts. 1891. (Vol. 36, Chap. 48)
Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XLVIII - Operations in Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. May 1-June 12, 1864.Volume XXXVII - in Two Parts. 1891. (Vol. 37, Chap. 49)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter XLIX - Operations in Northern West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. May 1-August 3, 1864.Volume XXXVIII - in Five Parts. 1891. (Vol. 38, Chap. 50)
Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter L - The Atlanta, Ga., Campaign. May 1-September 8, 1864.Volume XXXIX - in Three Parts. 1892. (Vol. 39, Chap. 51)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Reports
Part III - Reports
Part IV - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part V - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter LI - Operations in Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and North Georgia (the Atlanta Campaign excepted). May 1-November 13, 1864.Volume XL - in Three Parts. 1892. (Vol. 40, Chap. 52)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter LII - Operations in Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. June 13-July 31, 1864.Volume XLI - in Four Parts. 1893. (Vol. 41, Chap. 53)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter LIII - Operations in Louisiana and the Trans-Mississippi States and Territories. July 1-December 31, 1864.Volume XLII - in Three Parts. 1893. (Vol. 42, Chap. 54)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part IV - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter LIV - Operations in Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. August 1-December 31, 1864.Volume XLIII - in Two Parts. 1893. (Vol. 43, Chap. 55)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence
Chapter LV - Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. August 4-December 31, 1864.Volume XLIV. 1893. (Vol. 44, Chap. 56)
Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter LVI - Operations in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. November 14-December 31, 1864.Volume XLV - in Two Parts. 1894. (Vol. 45, Chap. 57)
Chapter LVII - Operations in Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and North Georgia. November 14, 1864-January 22, 1865.Volume XLVI - in Three Parts. 1894-1895. (Vol. 46, Chap. 58)
Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter LVIII - Operations in Northern and Southeastern Virginia, North Carolina (January 1-31), West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. January 1-June 30, 1865.Volume XLVII - in Three Parts. 1895. (Vol. 47, Chap. 59)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence
Chapter LIX - Operations in North Carolina (from February 1), South Carolina, Southern Georgia, and East Florida. January 1-June 30, 1865.Volume XLVIII - in Two Parts. 1896. (Vol. 48, Chap. 60)
Part I - Reports
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence
Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence
Chapter LX - Operations in Louisiana and the Trans-Mississippi States and Territories. January 1-June 30, 1865.Volume XLIX - in Two Parts. 1897. (Vol. 49, Chap. 61)
Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence
Chapter LXI - Operations in Kentucky, Southwestern Virginia, Tennessee, Northern and Central Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Florida. January 1-June 30, 1865.Volume L - in Two Parts. 1897. (Vol. 50, Chap. 62)
Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence
Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence
Chapter LXII - Operations on the Pacific Coast.Volume LI - in Two Parts. 1897. (Vol. 51, Chap. 63) SUPPLEMENT
Part I - Reports, Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Correspondence, etc.
Chapter LXIII - Operations in Maryland, Eastern North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia (except Southwestern), and West Virginia. January 1, 1861-June 30, 1865.Volume LII - in Two Parts. 1898. (Vol. 52, Chap. 64) SUPPLEMENT
SUPPLEMENT Embracing Documents Found or Received Too Late for Insertion in Volumes 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 33, 36, 37, 40, 42, 43, and 46. [Note: The number in brackets at the lower left hand of each document indicates the volume to which it properly belongs.]
Part I - Reports, Union Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter LXIV - Operations in Southwestern Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, West Florida, and Northern Georgia. January 1, 1861-June 30, 1865.Volume LIII. 1898. (Vol. 53, Chap. 65) SUPPLEMENT
SUPPLEMENT Embracing Documents Found or Received Too Late for Insertion in Volumes 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 45, and 49. [Note: The number in brackets at the lower left hand of each document indicates the volume to which it properly belongs.]
Part I - Reports, Union Correspondence, etc.
Part II - Confederate Correspondence, etc.
Chapter LXV - Operations in South Carolina, Southern Georgia, Middle and East Florida, and Western North Carolina. January 1, 1861-June 30, 1865.
SUPPLEMENT Embracing Documents Found or Received Too Late for Insertion in Volumes 1, 6, 14, 28, 35, 44, and 47. [Note: The number in brackets at the lower left hand of each document indicates the volume to which it properly belongs.]
Reports and Correspondence.
Series II:
Volume I. 1894.1. The Texas SurrenderVolume II. 1897.
2. Earlier Captures and Arrests, and Measures of Pacification in Missouri
3. Union Policy of Repression in Maryland
4. Military Treatment of Captured and Fugitive Slaves
5. Confederate Policy of Repression in East Tennessee
Treatment of suspected and disloyal persons, North and South.Volume III. 1898.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., relating to Prisoners of War and State from February 19, 1861, to June 12, 1862.Volume IV. 1899.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from June 13, 1862, to November 30, 1862.Volume V. 1899.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from December 1, 1862, to June 10, 1863.Volume VI. 1899.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from June 11, 1863, to March 31, 1864.Volume VII. 1899.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from April 1, 1864, to December 31, 1864.Volume VIII. 1899.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from January 1, 1865, to the end.
Series III:
Volume I. 1899.Correspondence, Orders, etc., from November 1, 1860, to March 31, 1862.Volume II. 1899.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from April 1, 1862, to December 31, 1862.Volume III. 1899.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from January 1, 1863, to December 31, 1863.Volume IV. 1900.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from January 1, 1864, to April 30, 1865.Volume V. 1900.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from May 1, 1865, to the end.
Series IV:
Volume I. 1900.Correspondence, Orders, etc., from December 20, 1860, to June 30, 1862.Volume II. 1900.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from July 1, 1862, to December 31, 1863.Volume III. 1900.
Correspondence, Orders, etc., from January 1, 1864, to the end.Volume IV. 1901.
Synopsis of the contents of volumes.
Special Index for the principal armies, army corps, military divisions and departments.
Table showing volumes pertaining to contemporaneous operations.
General Index.
Additions and Corrections.
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