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Please, let me present to your attention a German military-fieldsdentist set, made by Emil Huber and intended for German Army during the WW II. It has neverbeen used!This study contains 4 metal cases that sized as follows: 1. 68 cm x 45 cm x 28 cm approx. 26 ¾ in x 17 ¾ in x 11 in; 2. 68 cm x 45.9 cm x 28 cm approx. 27 in x 18 in x 11 in;3. 75 cm x52.5 x 38 cm approx. 29 ½ in x 20 ½ in x 15 in, 4. 75 cm x 52.5 cm x 38 cm approx. 29 1/3 in x 20 ¾ in x 15 in.The weight of each of them is about 40-50 kg. (some of themweigh may be more). But they are not measured exactly. They are heavy to beborne by one person. The description of the contents of the cases is accordingto the attached list in the set itself. According to my opinion: the set isfull but I am not an expert and it is possible some small parts to be missing orto exist others, not included in the description. (If youneed more pictures, please e-mail me and I will send you more photos). It isquite valid for the medicines inside. According to my opinion, the set hasnever been used and it is in very good antique condition. It is seen from theoriginal lubricant to preserve the condition of the instruments. It is in theform and appearance, done by the producer himself according to the requirementsfor usage by the German army during the WW II. We have not added or taken outanything else. The shipping price is f.o.b. airport customs, identified by thebuyer. Import and airport duties, taxes and charges are not included in theprice or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer?s responsibility. Theinsurance is included in the shipping price. The cases will be sent by aforwarding company to the Customs of an airport, specified by the buyer. The set has a high collection value.
In very good to excellent condition for its age.
Contact Us:tonirassate@yahoo.com Contact us at any time for questions. Please, carefully readour description and ask questions before bidding. I do not accept return.
Payment must be made within 7 days after the end of the auctionplease, otherwise email me. Thanks.
Contents of the dentist setaccording to the description in it:
Box 1., Upper Cupboard, Page 1dimensions 680?450?280 mm three-play, covered with laminated iron.Inner side of the lid: 2. (4) Metal frames, contents and description; Left and right on the front wall of the box 3. (2) Metal handles fortaking out the upper cupboard;In the box: 4. (1)Wrapping paper with the work instruction 208/22; 5. (1) Upper cupboard with 5 drawer and a compartment for 5 containers;Into the incorporated frame behind the plate:6. (1) Metal container with a sign ?Medications?, 132?122?32 mm, polished, white, containing: 7. (9) Bottles with narrow mouth for drugs, empty, rectangle, 20 g, 7 numbers with sign on the anterior wall and covers, two bottles without signs, 34?26?60 mm. Contents: 8. ?2?2; 9. Ch.K.M. (Valkhof); 10. Hypochlorite;11. Tymol; 12.Creosote; 13. Eugenol; 14. Alcohol; 15. (3) Bottles with wide mouth, empty, rectangle, 20 g, 29?29?60 mm, with signs on the anterior wall and stoppers Contents: 16.Corrode paste (Necropulp) 17. Iodoform paste (Valkhof) 18. Root paste (Triopoisonous); 19. (12) Tampon holders,small; 20. (1) Metal container with sign ?Fillingmaterial?, 184?122?82 mm, white, polished, containing: 21. (1) Clinic packing cement powder; 22. (1) Clinic packing cement liquid compound; 23. (1) Clinic packing phosphorus cement powder, rapid solidification; 24. (1)Clinic packing phosphorus cement liquid compound; 25. (1) BottleAqua dentin. 26. (1) Bottle rectangle, 20 g, with a sign on it and on the stopper?Amalgam? Containing: 27. 32 g Silver amalgam; 28. (1) Tampon holder, small; 29.(1) Clinic packaging, silicate cement on powder; 30. (1) Clinic packaging, silicate cement liquid compound; 31. (2) F. P. 7 colour silicates ?a? and ?b?; 32. (1) Modelling fat for silicate cement;33. (1) Mercury dosator; 34. (1) Box with natural rubber in form of sticks; 35.(1) Box with celluloid tape(1); 36.(2) Wax sticks for fillings,white; 37. (1) Dosator for liquidcompound; 38. (1) Metal container with sign ?Cotton?, white, polished 111?122?82 mm, containing: 39. (1) Cotton, 100 g; 40. (1)Wooden stand with sign ?Drills?, 120?90?80 mm, and: 41. (1) 35?6 drill for straight handpiece; 42. (1) 35?6 drill for reverse handpiece; 43.(1) Wooden stand with sign ?Polishing material?, 120?75?82 mm, 91 openings, white, polished, containing: 44. (12) Bearings for disk, 303 ½ (8 straight, 4 reverse); 45.(1) Bearing for a reversebrush, straight handpiece; 46. (1) Bearings for paper … illegible, Matsfield. 47. (6) Dental fresa for straight handpiece; 48. (10) Fine abrasive for straight handpiece; 49. (4) Fine abrasive for reverse handpiece; 50. (6) Polisher smooth and rough, straight handpiece; 51. (8) Carbone top for straight handpiece; 52. (6) Carbone top for reversehandpiece; 53. (6) Polishing wheel, not mounted; 54. (1) Bearing for emery paper; Drawer ? 1 Posterior compartment 55. (12) Dental mirror with handle (straight); 56. (8) Tweezers, College NR; 57. (2) Tweezers, Marian NR; 58. (2) Tweezers, double curved, NR;Middle compartment: 59. (12) Handle for probe ? (straight) with NR probe, applications; 60. (4)Tool for teeth cleaning NR (straight) 1, 3, 4, 5; 61. (1) Knife forenamel NR (straight) 30; 62.(2) Excavator NR (straight) 43, 44; 63. (3)Tool forplaque NR (straight) ? 63, ? 64, ? 3;Right compartment: 64. (15) Tool for filing (straight), bilateral, NR; 65.(1) Spatula for bone,bilateral; 66. (1)Spatula from artificial agate, bilateral (emery paper);Page 267. (1) Toothcanal filler, flexible, narrow top; 68.(3)Steering spatula (straight), bilateral, NR; Small compartments on left: 69. (2) Nerve needle holder, long,metal, 90 mm; 70. (1)Metal container, rounded, with asign ?Cup?, 80?27?15 mm, Containing: 71. (1) Saucer for disc protection; 72. (3) Spindle, long, for cheekprotection; 73. (2)Wrench forSterokopf; 74. (2) Flat wrench forreverse handpiece; 75. (2) Flatwrenches for straight pandpiece; 76.(2) Spare bearing for Sterokopf; 77.(1) Duplex spring; 78. (1) Discprotector for straight handpiece; 79.(1) Nail-scissors, tool for nail cleaning with a chain; 80. (3) Rubber discs for suction, dozen, 14, 16, 18 mm; 81. (1) Toothbrush, dozen; 82.(2) Brushes, dozen; 83. (1) Nerve needle holder with ringand chain; 84. (1) Matrix stretchermade of ivory 12; 85. (2) Matrix stretcher made of ivory,dozen, narrow and wide ones; 86. (1)Napkin stand with a chain;In the drawer ? 2 Compartments from left to right: 87. (4) Glass plates for steering, 95?70 mm; 88. (1) Mortar for amalgam, approximately40 mm Ø; 89. (1) Arkansas stone,50?30?10 mm, without wooden box; 90.(2) Glasses, different colors; 91. (2) Mortar stirrer for amalgam; 92. (1) Metal container with a sign?Brackets?, 70 ? 53 ? 8 mm, Containing: 93. (12) Bunch ofclamps (brackets); 94. (1) Metal boxwith a sign ?Surgical needles?,70?53?8 mm; 95. (3) Surgicalneedles for stitches, dozen; 96. (2)Cannules for cannula 17/23 ? 17/42,in dozens, stainless; 97. (1) Box =6 packages of cannulas karpula 17/23, stainless; 98. (1) Box =6 packages of cannulas karpula 17/42, stainless; 99. (1) Holders for lips and cheekswith three attachments; 100. (1)Bach mouth gag; 101. (1) Container named ?probe tops?, round, 80?27?15 mm, containing: 102. (3) Spare probes, dozens, NR for straight holders ?, ? 3 – 6 numbers, ? 4 – 6 numbers, ? 8 – 12 numbers, ? 9 – 12 numbers; 103. (1) Metal container with a sign ?Blades for scalpels?, 90 ? 40 ? 7 mm, containing: 104. (12) Scalpelblade ?Bayha?; 105. (1) Metal container with a sign ?Carpula top?, 125?63?18 mm, with pad, containing: 106. (1) Carpula tops; 107. (4) Tab, short for carpula-syringe; 108. (2) Tab, long for carpula-syringe; 109. (4) Packages of cannules, 17/23, for carpula-syringe; 110. (4) Packages of cannules, 17/42, for carpula-syringe;First longitudinal compartmentcontains: 111. (1) Middeldorpf mouth angel retractor; 112. (1) Williger Surgical hammer; 113. (1) Water syringe, metal; 114.(1) Pliers for tools, 20 ??; 115. (1) Lunachectool for wad placement;Second longitudinal compartmentcontains: 116. (1) Metal container with a sign ?Nerve channel tool?, 153?96?16 mm, enclosure for sterilization, empty, for Nerve channel tolls storage, containing: 117. (1) Bishop gouge, flat, 15 cm long, 5 mmwide; 118. (1) Bishop gouge, flat, 15 cm long; 119. (1) Surgical pincers, 13 cm; 120. (1) Anatomical pincers, 13 cm; 121.(1) Williger raspatorium; 122. (2) Scalpelholders ?Bayha?; 123. (1)Sharp spoon; 124. (1) Williger sharp spoon; 125. (1) Probe, Fig. 0 and 2; 126. (1) Mathieu needle-holder, 14 cm; 127. (1)Voblertongue forceps, straight; 128.(1)Hook for wounds, with 4 teeth; 129.(1) Surgical scissors and dressing scissors; 130. (1) Bean arterial brackets, 13 cm; 131. (2) Kocher arterial brackets, 13 cm; 132. (2) Scissorsfor gums; 133. (1) Halsted arterial bracket, 12.5 cm with hook; 134. (2) Halsted arterial bracket, 12.5 cm without hook; Page 3135. (2) Packaging with surgical silkcottons, black and white;Third longitudinal compartment onright; 136-141 (6) Pliers Fig. 7, 17, 18, 22,33, 51; 142. (1) Luer pliers; 143. (2) Left and right forceps, 1 ? 2; 144.(1) Bergen rootforceps; 145. (1) Bine root forceps;In the drawer ? 3 Compartment from left to right: 146. (1) Covering plate for theprotective box 3; 147. (1) Box regulating rubber; 148. (50) Parts Schroder button, round; 149. (50) Parts Schroder button, semi-round; 150. (50) Parts Schroder hook, round; 151. (50) Parts Schroder hook, semi-round; 152. (12) Curved splints; 153.(6) Sliding splints; 154-162. (90) Schrodertapes 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32,34, 36, 38 x 10 numbers; 163.(1) Dentometer, short; 164. (1) Anglemeter; 165. (1) Orthodontic wrench with spring; 166.(1) Orthodontic cable wrench, bilateral; 167. (3) Tool hooks; 168.(1) Zilinski adapter; 169. (2) Rollsligature silk, fine and sharp; 170.(4) Rolls nickel wire, 2 mm; 171. (3) Rolls Vipla wire; 172. (8)Rollsligature wire, stainless; 173. (2) Rolls wire for soldering; 174. (2) Aluminium plates, 0.4 ? 0.6 mm; 175. (2) Randolph plates, 0.30 mm; 176. (2) Rolls Randolphwire, 2 mm, round; 177. (1) Rubber plate,black 178. (2) Box with rubber tops,red and white; 179. (1) Box withlinen tapes; 180. (1) Steel-Carbonetapes, dozen, 8 mm; 181. (2) Separating disc, dozen, ¾ ? 7/8; 182. (12)Drills for straight handpiece, 1-6 ; 183. (18)Drills for reverse handpiece, 1-6; 184. (10) Root fillers for reserve hadnpiece, enhanced; 185.(6) Root fillers for straight handpiece; 186. (6) Nerve needles, dozens, short; 187. (2)Nerve needles, dozens, long; 188.(4) Probes with edges, dozens, 36?, very thin, moderate; 189. (2) Round probes, dozens, enhanced;190. (1) Kit = 6 numbers of files; 191. (3) Sparetops, dozens, enhanced; 192. (2) Kit = 12 number files for pulp channel; 193. (1) Combined pliers, 14 cm,polished; 194. (1) Pliers top,nickel; 195. (1) Aderer pliers for wire bending, nickel; 196.(1) Contour pliers; 197. (1) Valdzax universal pliers, nickel; 198. (1) Chainpliers, nickel; 199. (1) Compressingpliers, sharp; 200. (3) Books withblue pages; 201. (1) Scissors forcrown, straight; 202. (1) Scissorsfor crown, curved; 203. (1) Drill cleaning brush; 204. (1) Tool for file with handle; 205. (1)Clinch hummer; 206. (1) Protective pouch containing: 207. (1) Screwdriver with 5 bits; 208. (1) Wax knife, small; 209. (1) Pincers with sliding rule, 16 cm; 210.(1) Needle file, 18 cm, semi-round, sieve 2; 211. (1) File, semi-round,20, sieve 3; 212.(1) Scissors for sheet iron, straight; 213. (1) Ube for welding;In the drawer ? 4From left to right, anterior compartment on left 214. (1) Wooden container with a sign ?Mercury?, 105?54 mm, round, containing: 215. 500 g mercury in a jar; 216. (1) Bottle with narrow mouth and sign ?Alcohol?, 110?50?50 mm, containing: 217.250 g Alcohol; 218. (1) Bottle with wide moth and sign ?Amalgam?, 110?50?50 mm, containing: 219. 250 g Amalgam; 220.(1)Bottle with wide moth and sign ?Aquadentin?, 110?50?50 mm, containing: 221. 100 g Aquadentin; 222. (4) Aluminium blisters with a sign ?Anti-nevraltic tablets?containing: 223. 80 Anti-nevraltic tablets 0,5 g; 224.(2) Aluminium blisters with sign ?Acid Acetilozal? containing: 225. 40 Acid Acetilozal tablets 0,5 g; 226. (1) Lamar container for ?Iodetincture?, 73?40?40mm, polished, yellow,containing: 227. (1)Bottle with narrow mouth and sign ?Iode tincture?, brown, round, containing: 228. Iode tincture; Page 4229. (1) Bottlewith narrow mouth and sign ? Peroxide solution?, brown, 105?45?45 mm; 230.(1) Glassbottle with perhydrite tablets, 50 tablets x 1 g; 231.(2) Tampon holder, big; 232. (2) Tampon holder, middle; 233.(1) Drawer frame, 223?175?63 mm, containing: 234. (1) Container for straight and reverse handpiecesdisinfection, 205 ? 55 mm, containing: 235. (2) Straight handpiece; 236.(2) Reverse handpiece with sterocopf; 237.(1) Refuse container, round, with glass, for wall mounting, 60?50 mm; 238. (1) Containerfor cotton, round, for wall mounting,60?50 mm; 239. (1) Dust wind with cover; 240.(1) Container foriodoform tapes; 241. (1) Spirit-lamp, metal, 55?55?30mm and ¼ ? extra wick; 242. (1) Air windtool–with a ball at the lower side; 243.(2) Container for alcohol forRecord syringes containing: 244. (2) Syringes, 2 ccm; 245. (12) Cannules, 17/23, stainless; 246. (6) Cannules, 17/42, stainless, to include: 247. (1) Cannula for wind tool for dust; 248. (2) Cannula for air wind tool; Under the frame: 249. (1) Forehand lamp transformer; 250. (5) Bulbs for forehead lamp,battery, 3,8 V; 251. (4) Bulbs for forehead lamp for transformer, 6.2 V; 252. (1) Foreheadlamp with fibber ring; 253. (1) Cable, 3 ? long, for forehead lamp; 254. (3) Batteries for forehead lamp; 255. (1) Pole terminal for forehead lamp; Back compartments from left to right: 256. (1) Tincontainer with a sign ?Chalk? 60?30?110 mm, containing: 257.80 g Chalk; 258.(1)Tin container with a sign ?Pumice?, 60?30?110 mm, containing: 259. 180 g Pumice; 260. (3) Porcelain cup 70?40 mm; 261. (1)Beaker, 100 ccm; 262. (1)Box with rivanol powder, 25 g; 263. (1) Bottlewith 10 rivanol tablets; 264. (3)Ampoule Serum Tetanus; 265. (1) Box asbestos swab; 266. (1) Boxwith 5 ampoules x 1 ccm hexeton; 267. (1)Vaseline; 268.(1) Box with 20 ampoulesNovocaine-corbasil, 4 % ?; 269. (1) Box with 20 ampoules Novocaine-corbasil, 2 % ?; 270. (1)Box with 100 carpuli Novocaine-corbasil, 4 % ??; 271. (3) Packaging with bandages with iodoform, 5 %, 5 m? 2 cm; 272. (6) Ampoules Cardiosol, 1,1 ccm; 273. (1) Box with 25 tampons Clauden; 274. (1) Box with 3 ampoules powder Clauden; 275. (1) Box with sticks glue wax; 276.(1) Box with wax found, blue, sticks; 277.(1) Roll waxed dental floss; 278. (2) Box paper tapes, 7/8 karnet 0, sand 00; 279. (1) Box with gutapercha tapes;In drawer ? 5: 280. (1)Basin, in the drawer,375?288?110 mm; 281. (3) Cups for disinfection, from light metal: 227?124?45 mm; 243?137?45 mm; 257?152?45 mm; 282.(1) Cup holder with a hook fordisinfection cup placement; 283. (1)Holder for cup for primus; 284. (1) Holderfor cotton box and refuse box; 285.(3) Hand towel; 286. (3) Protectivetowels; 287. (6) Towels for pasteand tools; 288. (1)Bag for doctoroverall, Containing: 289. (1) Surgeon overall; 290. (1) Bottle chlorethil, 100 g; 291.(2) Gauze, 2 m x 20 cm; 292. (1)Cotton, fat free, 100 g; 293. (1) Gause x 6, 5 m x 7 cm; 294.(6) Glass for mouth rinse, white, Bakelite;295. (2) Bakelite tables, white, 260?140 mm; 296. (1) Package white 100 spare covers, cardboard,refuse box; 297. (1) Soap holder; 298. (2)Caps for prosthesis;Box 2: Drill motor Page 11. (1) Box 680?459?280 mm three-play, covered with laminated iron;Inner side of the lid2. (1)Metal frames, contents and description Left side of the box3. (1) Spittoon; 4. (1) Chair bracket for supporting spittoon arm; 5. (1) Reflector bracket; 6. (1) Quadrangle holder for drill motor reflectorand table; 7. (2) Pressing bracketsfor head back; 8. (1) Head backsupport; 9. (1) Reflector with flexible vallum and cable, no extender and: 10. (1) Bulb, 220 V, 60 W, opaque, for reflector; 11. (1) Swivel stick for the head back; Under the cleat stick: 12. (1) Engine for the drill motor 3 heels and cable; 13. (1)Treadle for switching on the drill motor with cable and intermediate plug;On the left side wall: 14. (1) Spittoon funnel;In the box: 15.(1) Flywheel for the drill motor;Under the starter: 16. (3) Cable extension 2 m; 17. (1) Handpulverizer ?Monopol? without cannula;On the bottom: 18. (1) Drill motor treadle; 19. (1) Drill motor treadle carrier; 20. (1) Tube for the drill motor; 21. (1) Tube for the drill motor with attachment; 22. (1) Carrier for the frill motorupper part; 23. (1) Carrier for thefrill motor upper part with drill motor tube; 24. (1) Reflectorextension;Under the foot starter: 25. (1) Water glass holder; 26. (1) Supporting spittoon arm, reflector andwater glass holder;On the back box wall: 27. (6) New silver wire sticks (melchior) 50 cm, for broken jaw;On the middle wall at right, hang on: 28. (1) Table holder;Right compartment: 29. (1) Sterilization, 280?140?80 mm, electrical connection120/150/220 V, Spirit and petroleum warm, under them: 30. (2) Filter sieve holders; 31. (1) Filter sieve; 32. (1) Heater for imprint acquiring; 33. (1) Petroleum burner; 34. (1) Spirit burner; 35. (1) Heater,120/150/220 V, forsterilization; 36. (1) Sterilizercable; 37. (1) Sterilization basketfor drills;Under the lid of the posterior compartment: 38.Tin container ?Mouthwash water?, 133?80?33 mm, Contains: 39. (1) Bottlepulverizer; 40. (1) Pulverizer tube;41. (1) Can with spirit, 131?101?111 mm, Continents:42. 1000 cm burning spirit; 43. (1) Tin container 165?90?38 mm, Contains: 44. (2) Brushesfor hands cleaning; 45. (1)Soap-box; 46. (1) Number of soaps;Boxes in the middle: 47. (1) 1 plug fasung; 48. (1) Bulb, 220 V, 60 W, frosted; 49. (1) Triple plug; 50. (1) Bulb, 110 V, 60 W, opaque;Anterior compartment: 51. (1) Pitcher ?Sagrotan?; 52. (1) Pitcher for disinfection 500 cm, Under it: 53. (2) Drill motor cable, 2.60 m; 54. (1) Bottle with oil for the drill motor; 55. (1) Pitcher for oil; 56.(1) Drill motor grease; 57. (1)Spare parts for the drill motor; 58.(1) Pulverizer capsule holder;In the right part of the box – posteriorcompartment: 59. (1)Combined drill motor transformer, 120/220 V AC, with cable, Underit: 60. (4) Bottles for carbon dioxide for the pulverizer;Box 3: Chair Page 11. (1) Box, dimensions 750?525?380 mm three-play, covered with laminated iron;Inner side of the lid: 2. (2) Metal frames, contents and description;In the box: 3. (1) Lower part of the dental patient chair; Wing screw on the screw clamp: 4. (1) Dental patient chair head back;On the anterior box wall:
5. (1) Spittoon basin holder; Under the screw clamp: 6. (1) The upper part of the dental patient chair with height regulation mechanism; In the right posterior compartment: 7. (1)Spittoon and holder; Under it: 8. (2) Bulbs 220 V ? 110 V, 60 W, frosted; Anterior compartment: 9. (1) Reflector with light protector and cable; And: 10. (1) Bulb, 220 V, 60 W, frosted; Next to the reflector: 11. (1) Mouth wash glass holderOn the box bottom: 12. (1) Reflector arm; 13. (1)Legs rest on the lower part of the chair. 14. (1) Chair crank-start; 15. (1) Head back arm; 16. (1) Reflector pressing bracket; 17. (1) Arm-rest with a spittoon holderand glass holder; 18. (1) Chairarm-rest; 19. (1) Back-rest arm;Box 4: Lower box, Page 11. (1) Box, dimensions 750?525?380mm three-play, covered with laminated iron;Inner side of the lid: 2. (3) Metal frames, contents and description; Over the lower cupboard are placed: 3. (1) Mobilelower frame; On the posterior box wall: 4. (1) Table for writing with 2 drawerscontents: 5. (1) Bag for stationary contents: 6. (1) Notebook; 7. (1) Notebook; 8. (1) Pocket contents: 9. (3) Colourpencils; 10. (1) Pencil; 11. (1) Pencil for copying; 12. (1) Eraser;On the right and left walls: 13. (400) Cards for file; 14. (1) Lower cupboard with 3 drawers ? 6, 7, 8 and onedrawer in the backside;Drawer ? 6,1. Longitudinal compartment: 15. (12)Filing tool (straight type) NR, with two ends, ? ? 2 – 4 numbers, ? 4 – 4 numbers, 13 – 4 numbers; 16. (2) Porcelain caps 40 ? 40 mm; 2. Longitudinal compartment: 17. (1) Dental pliers, Fig. 1; 18. (1) Dental pliers for molars; 19. (1) Hand protector, 20.(1) Tool for root extraction, narrow, Fig. 1; 21.(1) Tool for root extraction, Fig. 2; 22. (2) Tool for root extraction, fine, curved, Fig. 6 ? 7; 23. (1) Water syringe, metal with glass cylinder, metal plunger and 1 tab, curved; 3. Longitudinal compartment: 24. (1) Sterilization cup 1, 217?117?28 mm, Contents: 25. (1) Cheek retractor,wide; 26. (1) Lever, wide, under it: 27. (1) Willinger hook for wounds, blunt 4 teeth; 28.(1) Willinger hook for wounds, blunt, 4 teeth; 29. (1) Sharp spoon, one end; 30.(1) Sharp spoon, two ends, round; 31.(1) Martini sharp spoon withtwo ends; 32. (1) Scalpel holder?Bayha?; 33. (1) Mideldorpf mouth angelstretcher Fig. 1, under it: 34. (2) Lunichektampons Stophers; 35. (1) Probe, 15 cm; 36. (1) Ulbreht pincers for fractured roots; 37. (1) Thermometer; 38. (1) Anatomicpincers, 16 cm; 39. (1) Surgical pincers, 16 cm;40. (1) Sterilization container 2, 217?117?28 mm, Contents: 42. (1) Metal container with a sign ?Surgical drills?, nickel, 73?55?8 mm, with a leg, contents: 43. 10 numbers surgical drills; 44. (1) Metal container with a sign, ?Scalpel blades?,90?40?7 mm, Contents: 45. 12 numbers bladesfor Scalpels Bayha; 46. (4) Kocher brackets, 8 cm; 47. (1) Surgical scissors, curved, 13.5 cm, Under it: 48. (1) Matyo needle holder, 15 cm; 49. (1) Meatl container for gum knife, nickel, 180?27?6 mm, Contents: 50.(1) Scalpel; 51. (1) Scalpel; 52. (1) Metal container, 180?27?6 mm, Contents:53. (2) Williger knife; 54. (1) Bishop gouge, flat; 55.(1) Bishop gouge, hollow, 15 cm long, 4 mm wide; 4. Longitudinal compartment: 56. (1) Dozen tubes (cannules), Pravats 1, 0,85?40 mm, NR; 57.(1) Dozen tubes (cannules), 17/23, NR; 58.(2) Sternberg holders for cheeks, Fig. 1, 2;5. Longitudinal compartment: 59. (1) Tampon clip, nickel; 60. (1) Contour pliers; 61. (1) Pliers for wire bending, 14 cm; 62. (1) Wax knife, big; 63. (1) Wax knife, small;6. Longitudinal compartment: 64. (1) Lichtenstein spoon for gypson, stainless, flat; 65. (1) Pocket Contents: Page 2 66. (2) Dentalfiles, semi-round, 20 cm;67. (2) Needle files, 14 cm, semi-round, round;Drawer ? 7, Compartments from left to right, 1. ? 2. longitudinal compartment: 68. (1) Set of 18 spoons forimprint, anatomical shapes; 69. (1) Imprint spoons for root with shiber; 70.(9) Mouth rinse glasses, white, Under them: 72.(10) Rivanol tablets 1 g; 73. (1) Box with wax, green, on sticks; 74. (1) Shaving brush; 75. (1) Schimmelbusch? Narcosis mask; 75a. (1) Roser- Koning mouth gug; 76.(1) Porcelain boiling container, 75 mm, with handles and cover; 77. (1) Bottle with narrow mouth with a sign ?Eugenol?, 40?40?75 mm, brown, contents: 78.45 ccm Eugenol; 79. (1) Bottle-dropper with a sign ?Ether?, 50 g graduated, 110?45 mm, brown, contents: 80. 50 g Ether; 81. (1) Bottle with wide mouth and sign ?Zink oxide?, transparent, 50?50?10 mm, contents: 82.100 g Zink oxide; 83. (2) Tamponholder, intermediate; 84. (1) Tampon holder, big; 85. (1) Tin container with sign ?Iodine tincture?, polished, yellow, 60?60?112 mm, contents: 86. (1) Bottle with cap and sign ?Iodine tincture?, 120ccm, 50?50?105 mm, contents: 87. 100 ccm antiseptic tincture or iodine tincture; 88. (1) Box with wax for modelling, pink, 250 g, plates; 89. (1) Teeth colours ring; 90. (100) Carpules with Corbasil, ??, 2 %; 91. (1) Funnel;92. (1) Wooden box, 141?90?80 mm, sign ?Medications?, contains: 93. (2) Bottles with biocide, strong, double strong activity; 94. (2) Tampon holder, small; 95.(1) Container with paradontosis paste, strong; 96. (1) Container with paradontosis paste, double strong; 97. (1) Syringe for paradontosis paste; 98. (2) Cannules, curved for syringe; 99. (1) Glass syringe for biocide liquid; 100. (2) Cannulesfor it; 101. (1) Box with 10 matrix forimprint acquiring; 102.(1) Bottle chlorine-ethyl 100 g; 103. (78) Drills in cardboard box, 13?6 numbers. 104. (102) Drills in cardboard box, 17?6 numbers.Drawer ? 8, Left compartment: 105. (3) Dust cloth; 106.(6) Mouth cloth; 107. (9) Handkerchiefs;108. (2) Basin, pressed material,black, 26 cm; 109.(2) Basin, pressedmaterial, black, 22 cm; Right compartment: 110. (1) Laundry bag with sign ?Physicians suit?, 350?290?80 cm, contains: 111. (2) Surgicalgown size 50; 112. (2) Pressed artificial cotton 500 g;Lower part of the lower drawer, Leftcompartment 113. (1) Register; 114. (6) ?Spare packages with cotton 500 g; 115. (1) Clinical package with phosphate-cement, normal stiffness; Right compartment: 116.(1) Package = 100 mouthspatulas; 117. (1) Tin container with sign ?Gypsun for imprints?, 110?87?150 mm, polished, yellow, contains: 118. 1 kg Gypsum; 119. (6) Glass paper folia; 120. (6) Pressed cotton, 100 ?, fat free; 121.(6) Bandage, 6 numbers, 5 ? long, 7 ?? wide; 122. (4) Gauze, 4 m2; 123. (1) Cap for gypsum, medium insize; 124. (1) Box with sterile tampons? 4, peas size = 250 numbers; 125. (1) Box with steriletampons ? 6, hazelnut in size = 150 numbers; 126.(1) Box with sterile tampons? 9, walnut size = 75 numbers; 127.(1) Saliva pomp, manual; 128. (3) Saliva pomp tubes, glass; 129. (1) Clinical package cement; 130. (1) Clinical package silicate cement; 131. (1) Package root filing iodineform (Valkhof);132. (1) Package root filing trio; 133. (1)Dozen rubber polishers.
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