Saturday, November 5, 2011

644 Civil War Books - Ultimate Collection - History & Genealogy on DVD/CD

The Photographic History of

The Civil War

Editor: Francis T. Miller


10 - Books

 in PDF Format

Thousands of Photo's

Volume 1 -  The Opening Battles. (368 pages)
Volume 2 -  Two Years of Grim War.
(363 pages)
Volume 3 -  The decisive battles.
(353 pages)
Volume 4 -  The cavalry.
(336 pages)
Volume 5 -  Forts and artillery.
(316 pages)
Volume 6 -  The navies.
(322 pages)
Volume 7 -  Prisons and hospitals.
(352 pages)
Volume 8 -  Soldier life, Secret service.
(382 pages)
Volume 9 -  Poetry and Eloquence of Blue and Gray.
(353 pages)
Volume 10 - Armies and leaders.
(362 pages)

The American Civil War (1861–1865) was the fourth war in history to be caught on camera. The first three were the Mexican-American War (1846–1848) the Crimean War (1854–1856) and Indian Rebellion of 1857.

Photography profoundly changed the way wars were covered and viewed. Any grandeur and sweetness of an aftermath of a victorious battle, which was once up to a painter to portray, all of a sudden became uninterpretable. Losing its subjectivity, the true terror of war could not be hidden anymore. Americans for the first time saw the vividly horrific photographs of maimed and dying fellow Americans in agony slowly withering away on a battlefield far away from their homes. Astonishment and shock, not toward the cruelty of war as much as to the newly innovated barbaric weapons of war left Americans bewildered. As newspapers did not yet have the technology or equipment for making half-tone blocks, magazines across the land published cadaverous pictorial representations of the worst of humanity.

With 2- More Books

Containing Hundreds More Photos

The Civil War through the Camera :

Hundreds of vivid photographs actually taken in Civil War times, together with Elson's new history by Henry William Elson - (1912) – 598 pages

Pleasants Photograph Album by Frances Pleasants:

Photograph album of Frances Pleasants, who taught wounded soldiers at the Army Hospital in Germantown, PA during the Civil War. Presented to her by her patients, it contains photographs of them as well as other Civil War images –(1865) - 56 pages

The Ultimate


Of the

 Civil War


70 - Books


100 great battles of the rebellion; a detailed account of regiments and batteries engaged -- casualties, killed, wounded and missing, and the number of men in action in each regiment; also, all the battles of the Revolution, War of 1812-5, Mexican War, Indian battles, American-Spanish War, and naval battles. State rosters from the several northern states, giving the enrollment, number killed, wounded, died and deserted from each organization during the war by Wesley Potter Kremer - (1906) - 366 pages of

the two arm in the civil war (1909])

A brief history of the Ladies' Memorial Association of Charleston, S. C., from its organization in 1865 to April 1, 1880. Together with a roster of the Confederate dead interned at Magnolia and the various city church-yards by the Ladies Memorial Association of Charleston – (1880) – 42 pages

A brief history of the Thirty-fourth regiment, N. Y. S. V. : embracing a complete roster of all officers and men and a full account of the dedication of the monument on the battlefield of Antietam, September 17, 1902 by Louis N. Chapin – (1903) – 188 pages

A condensed history of the 56th Regiment, New York Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which was part of the organization known as the "Tenth Legion" in the Civil War, 1861-1865, together with a register or roster of all the members of the regiment, and the war record of each member as recorded in the Adjutant General's Office at Albany, New York by Joel C. Blake – (1906) – 424 pages

A history of the First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers : from its organization in 1861 to its muster out of the United States service in 1866 : also, a complete roster of the regiment by Charles H. Lothrop – (1890) – 418 pages

A history of the Henry County commands which served in the Confederate States army, including rosters of the various companies enlisted in Henry County, Tenn by Edwin H. Rennolds – (1904) – 301 pages

A history of the Tenth Regiment, Vermont Volunteers, with biographical sketches of the officers who fell in battle. And a complete roster of all the officers and men connected with it--showing all changes by promotion, death or resignation, during the military existence of the regiment by Edwin Mortimer Haynes - (1870) - 249 pages

A military record of Battery D, First Ohio veteran volunteers, light artillery; by U.S. Army - (1908) - 220 pages

A narrative of the formation and services of the Eleventh Massachusetts Volunteers, from April 15, 1861, to July 14, 1865. Being a brief account of their experiences in the camp and in the field, to which is added a roster, containing the names of all surviving members known to the Veteran association by Gustavus B. Hutchinson - (1893) - 76 pages

A roster of general officers, heads of departments, senators, representatives, military organizations, etc., etc., in Confederate service during the war between by Charles Colcock Jones – (1876) -  pages

An illustrated history of the Missouri Engineer and the 25th Infantry Regiments; together with a roster of both regiments and the last known address of all that could be obtained by William A. Neal – (1889) – pages

Company G. : a record of the services of one company of the 157th N. Y. vols. in the war of the rebellion, from Sept. 19, 1862 to July 10, 1865, including the roster of the company by Albert Rowe Barlow – (1899) – pages

Complete history of the 46th Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry, from the date of its organization in 1861, to its final discharge, February 1st, 1866, containing a full and authentic account of the participation of the Regiment in the battles, sieges, skirmishes and expeditions in which it has been engaged, together with a complete roster of the Regiment, showing the promotions, commissioned and non-commissioned, deaths, discharges and desertions by Henry H. Woodbury - (1866) - 76 pages

Complete roster of the Eighth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers by New Hampshire Adjutant-General’s Office – ( 1895) – pages

Historic record and complete biographic roster, 21st Me. Vols. with reunion records of the 21st Maine Regimental Association by Joseph T. Woodward – (1907) – pages

History and complete roster of the Massachusetts regiments, minute men of '61 who responded to the first call of President Abraham Lincoln, April 15, 1861, to defend the flag and Constitution of the United States ... and biographical sketches of minute men of Massachusetts  - (1910) - 438 pages

History and roster of Maryland Volunteers, war of 1861-5 by the Maryland General Assembly – (1898) – pages

History and roster of the Fourth and Fifth independent battalions and Thirteenth regiment Ohio cavalry volunteers: their battles and skirmishes, roster of the dead, etc. by Howard Aston – (1902) - pages

History and roster of the Seventh Pa. Cavalry Veteran Volunteers by The U.S. Army – (1904) – pages

History of the Corn Exchange Regiment, 118th Pennsylvania Volunteers, from their first engagement at Antietam to Appomattox. To which is added a record of its organization and a complete roster. Fully illustrated with maps, portraits, and over one hundred illustrations by the U.S. Army - (1888) - 746 pages

History of the Eighty-first regiment of Indiana volunteer infantry in the great war of the rebellion, 1861 to 1865 ... A regimental roster. Prison life, adventures, etc. by George W. Morris – (1901) – pages

History of the Fifty-first Indiana veteran volunteer infantry. A narrative of its organization, marches, battles and other experiences in camp and prison; from 1861 to 1866. With revised roster by William Ross Hartpence –(1894) – pages

History of the Thirty-Fifth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-1865. With a roster by U.S. Army – (1884) – pages

History of the Thirty-seventh Regiment, Mass., Volunteers, in the civil war of 1861-1865, with a comprehensive sketch of the doings of Massachusetts as a state, and of the principal campaigns of the war by James L Bowen – (1884) – pages

History of the Second Iowa cavalry; containing a detailed account of its organization, marches, and the battles in which it has participated; also, a complete roster of each company by Lyman B. Pierce - (1865) - pages

Illustrated roster of the Department of Illinois Grand Army of the Republic by Grand Army of the Republic – (1914) – pages

 Itinerary of the Seventh Ohio volunteer infantry, 1861-1864, with roster, portraits and biographies by Lawrence Wilson – (1907) – pages

Official roster, Department of Colorado and Wyoming, Grand army of the republic; embracing a digest of the history, organization and growth of the Grand army of the republic, Ladies of the Grand army, Woman's relief corps and Loyal legion by Grand Army of the Republic - (1910) - pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Volume 3, by The Ohio Roster Commission – (1886) – pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Volume 4,  by The Ohio Roster Commission – (1886) – pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Volume 5,  by The Ohio Roster Commission – (1886) – pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Volume 6,  by The Ohio Roster Commission – (1886) – pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Volume 8,  by The Ohio Roster Commission – (1886) – pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Volume 9,  by The Ohio Roster Commission – (1886) – pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Volume 10,  by The Ohio Roster Commission – (1886) – pages

Random sketches and wandering thoughts, or, What I saw in camp, on the march, the bivouac, the battle field and hospital, while with the army in Virginia, North and South Caroline, during the late rebellion : with a historical sketch of the second Oswego regiment, Eighty-first New York state V.I., a record of all its officers, and a roster of its enlisted men, also an appendix by Bartholomew S. De Forest - (1866) - 326 pages

Register of Confederate soldiers who died in Camp Douglas, 1862-65 and lie buried in Oakwoods Cemetery, Chicago, Ills.,  by the United Confederate Veterans Illinois Division – (1892) – pages

Roster and history of the Department of Georgia, (states of Georgia and South Carolina,) Grand army of the republic by Grand Army of the Republic Dept. of Georgia – ( 1894) – pages

Roster and record of Iowa soldiers in the War of the Rebellion : together with historical sketches of volunteer organizations, 1861-1866, Volume 4 by Iowa Adjutant General’s Office – (1908) -  pages

Roster and sketches of the several military companies which were in regular service of the Confederate States during the Civil War from Yazoo County, Miss. Collected from the muster rolls and authentic sources of reliable men and published by order of Yazoo Camp, 176, of Confederate Veterans of Yazoo City, Miss by the Confederate Veterans of Yazoo County Mississippi – (1905) – pages

Roster and statistical record of Company D, of the Eleventh regiment Maine infantry volunteers, with a sketch of its services in the war of the rebellion by Albert B. Maxfield – (1890) – pages

Roster of Company I, 24th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers by the Massachusetts Infantry – (1902) – pages

Roster of Confederate soldiers in the war between the states furnished by Lincoln County, North Carolina, 1861-1865 By the United Confederate Veterans – (1905) -  pages

Roster of members of the Signal corps, U. S. A., 1861-1865, comprising all whose addresses are known, arranged alphabetically and by states and cities and towns by US Veteran Signal Corps – (1913) – pages

Roster of Nebraska volunteers from 1861-1869 by the Nebraska Adjutant General’s Office – (1888) – pages

Roster of Signal corps, U.S.A. 1861-1865, issued by the U.S. veteran signal corps association, Civil war division, November 1910 by U.S. Veteran Signal Corps – (1910) - pages

Roster of the survivors of the 86th Illinois volunteer infantry, with the post office addresses as far as known, together with the Proceedings of the reunion held at Peoria, Ill., August 27, 1887 by Illinois Infantry 86th - (1887) - pages

Roster of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, 1861-1865 : an appendix to "The story of a cavalry regiment." By William Forse Scott – (1902) – pages

Roster of the New Hampshire division, Sons of veterans U. S. A., head-quarters, Dover, N.H., 1891 & 1892 by the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, New Hampshire Division – (1892) – pages

Roster of the Ninety-sixth regiment, Ohio volunteer infantry by Robert Franklin Bartlett – (1895) – pages

Roster of veterans of the Mexican, civil, and Spanish-American wars, residing in Nebraska, 1915 by the Nebraska Secretary of State – (1915) – pages

, war of the rebellion, 1861-1865 (1886)

Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, war of the rebellion, 1861-1865, Volume 1 by Wisconsin Adjutant Generals Office – (1886) - pages

Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, war of the rebellion, 1861-1865, Volume 2 by Wisconsin Adjutant Generals Office – (1886) - pages

Roster, Forty sixth regiment, M.V.M. by the Massachusetts Infantry - (1888)

Roster, Fourth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers by John G. Hutchinson – (1896) – pages

Tabulated roster of the Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg, Penna., July 1, 2, 3, 1863, Volume 1, by James Beale – (1888) – pages

Tabulated roster of the Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg, Penna., July 1, 2, 3, 1863, Volume 2, by James Beale – (1888) - pages

Tentative roster of the Third regiment, South Carolina volunteers, Confederate States provisional army, Volume 1,  by Alexander Samuel Salley – (1908) – pages

Tentative roster of the Third regiment, South Carolina volunteers, Confederate States provisional army, Volume 2,  by Alexander Samuel Salley – (1908) – pages

The campaigns of the 124th regiment, Ohio volunteer infantry, with roster and roll of honor by George W. Lewis – (1894) – pages

The Detroit Light Guard : a complete record of this organization from its foundation to the present day : with full account of riot and complimentary duty, and the campaigns in the Civil and Spanish-American wars : a complete roster of members at the time of muster-out of the United States service, as well as a roster of all classes of members by Wlate F. Clowes – (1900) – pages

The Forty-second Ohio infantry: a history of the organization and services of that regiment in the war of the rebellion; with biographical sketches of its field officers and a full roster of the regiment by Frank H. Mason – (1876) – pages

The history of Fuller's Ohio brigade, 1861-1865; its great march, with roster, portraits, battle maps and biographies by Charles H. Smith – (1909) – pages

The Ninth New York heavy artillery. A history of its organization, services in the defenses of Washington, marches, camps, battles, and muster-out ... and a complete roster of the regiment - (1899) - 590 pages

The numbers and rosters of the two armies in the civil war by Gates Phillips Thruston - (1909) - 13 pages

The Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry ... An authentic record of the regiment from its organization to its muster out. A complete roster of its officers and men with their record ... a copy of every official paper in the War Department pertaining to the regiment ... With reminiscences from the author's private journal by James Madison Aubery – (1900) – pages

The Twenty-fifth regiment, Connecticut volunteers in the war of the rebellion; history, reminiscences, description of battle of Irish Bend, carrying of pay roll, Roster by U.S. Army – (1913) – pages

The Twenty-seventh Indiana volunteer infantry in the war of the rebellion, 1861 to 1865. First division, 12th and 20th corps. A history of its recruiting, organization, camp life, marches and battles, together with a roster of the men composing it by Edmond Randolph Brown – (1899) – pages

The wild riders of the first Kentucky cavalry : a history of the regiment, in the great war of the rebellion, 1861-1865 : pathetic scenes, amusing incidents, and thrilling episodes, a regimental roster, prison life, adventures, and escapes by Sergeant E. Tarrant – (1894) – pages

Two reunions of the 142d Regiment, Pa. Vols. : including a history of the regiment, a description of the Battle of Gettysburg, also a complete roster of the regiment by Horatio N. Warren – (1890) – pages

The War of The Rebellion -

A Compilation of the
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies

140 - Books

by Lieut. Colonel Robert N. Scott, under the direction of The Secretary of War,
published pursuant to an Act of Congress approved June 16, 1880,

Government Printing Office, Washington,



Series I:
Contains the formal reports, both Union and Confederate, of the first seizures of United States property in the Southern States, and of all military operations in the field, with the correspondence, orders and returns related, accompanied by an Atlas.
The reports are arranged in chronological order by campaigns and theaters of operations. The Union reports are followed by the Confederate accounts.

Volume I. 1880

Chapter I: Operations in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Dec 20, 1860-Apr 4, 1861
Chapter II: The secession of Georgia. Jan 3-26, 1861
Chapter III: The secession of Alabama and Mississippi. Jan. 4-20, 1861
Chapter IV: Operations in Florida. Jan. 6-Aug 31, 1861
Chapter V: The secession of North Carolina. Jan 9-May 20, 1861
Chapter VI: The secession of Louisiana. Jan 10-Feb 19, 1861
Chapter VII: Operations in Texas and New Mexico. Feb 1-Jun 11, 1861
Chapter VIII: Operations in Arkansas, the Indian Territory, and Missouri. Feb 7-May 9, 1861

Volume II. 1880

Chapter IX: Operations in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Apr 16-Jul 31, 1861

Volume III. 1881

Chapter X: Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and Indian Territory. May 10-Nov 19, 1861

Volume IV. 1882

Chapter XI: Operations in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Jun 11, 1861-Feb 1, 1862
Chapter XII: Operations in Kentucky and Tennessee. Jul 1-Nov 19, 1861
Chapter XIII: Operations in North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia. Aug 1, 1861-Jan 11, 1862

Volume V. 1881

Chapter XIV: Operations in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and West Virginia. Aug 1, 1861-Mar 17, 1862

Volume VI. 1882

Chapter XV: Operations on the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Middle and East Florida. Aug 21, 1861-Apr 11, 1862

Chapter XVI: Operations in West Florida, Southern Alabama, Southern Mississippi, and Louisiana. Sep 1, 1861-May 12, 1862

Volume VII. 1882

Chapter XVII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, N. Alabama, and SW. Virginia. Nov 19, 1861-Mar 4, 1862

Volume VIII. 1883

Chapter XVIII: Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Indian Territory. Nov 19, 1861-Apr 10, 1862

Volume IX. 1883

Chapter XIX: Operations in Southeastern Virginia. Jan 11-Mar 17, 1862
Chapter XX: Operations in North Carolina. Jan 11-Aug 20, 1862
Chapter XXI: Operations in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Feb 1-Sep. 20, 1862

Volume X, in Two Parts. 1884

Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. Mar 4-Jun 10, 1862

Part I - Reports
Part II - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XI, in Three Parts. 1884

Chapter XXIII: The Peninsular Campaign, Virginia. Mar 17-Sep. 2, 1862
Part I - Reports, Mar 17-Jun 24, 1862
Part II - Reports, Jun 25-Sep 2, 1862
Part III - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XII, in Three Parts. 1885

Chapter XXIV: Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland. Mar 17-Sep 2, 1862
Part I - Reports, Mar 17-Jun 25, 1862
Part II - Reports, Jun 26-Sep 2, 1862
Part II - Supplement. 1886
Part III - Correspondence

Volume XIII. 1885

Chapter XXV: Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, the Indian Territory, and the Department of the Northwest. Apr. 10-Nov. 20, 1862

Volume XIV. 1885

Chapter XXVI: Operations on the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Middle and East Florida. Apr 12, 1862-Jun 11, 1863

Volume XV. 1886

Chapter XXVII: Operations in West Florida, Southern Alabama, Southern Mississippi (embracing all operations against Vicksburg. May 18-Jul 27, 1862

and Louisiana, May 12, 1862-May 14, 1863; and operations in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Sep 20,1862-May 14, 1863
Volume XVI, in Two Parts. 1886

Chapter XXVIII: Operations in Kentucky, Middle and East Tennessee, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. Jun 10-Oct 31, 1862

Part I - Reports

Part II - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XVII, in Two Parts. 1886/1887

Chapter XXIX: Operations in West Tennessee and Northern Mississippi. Jun 10, 1862-Jan 20, 1863

Part I - Reports

Part II - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XVIII. 1887

Chapter XXX: Operations in North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia. Aug 20, 1862-Jun 3, 1863

Volume XIX, in Two Parts. 1887

Chapter XXXI: Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Sep 3-Nov 14, 1862

Part I - Reports, September 3-20

Part II - Reports, September 20-November 14, 1862; Correspondence, etc., Sept 3-Nov. 14, 1862

Volume XX, in Two Parts. 1887

Chapter XXXII: Operations in Kentucky, Middle and East Tennessee, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. Nov. 1, 1862-Jan. 20, 1863

Part I - Reports

Part II - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXI. 1888

Chapter XXXII: Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. November 15, 1862 - January 25, 1863

Volume XXII - in Two Parts. 1888

Chapter XXXIV: Operations in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, the Indian Territory, and the Department of the Northwest. Nov. 20, 1862-Dec. 31, 1863

Part I - Reports

Part II - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXIII, in Two Parts. 1889

Chapter XXXV: Operations in Kentucky, Middle and East Tennessee, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. Jan 21 - Aug 10, 1863

Part I - Reports

Part II - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXIV, in Three Parts. 1889

Chapter XXXVI: Operations in Mississippi and West Tennessee, including those in Arkansas and Louisiana connected with the Siege of Vicksburg. Jan 20 - Aug 10, 1863

Part I - Reports, Jan 20-May 15, including the "General Reports" for whole period. Jan 20-Aug 10

Part II - Reports, May 16-Aug10

Part III - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXV, in Two Parts. 1889

Chapter XXXVII: Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Jan 26-Jun 3, 1863

Part I - Reports

Part II - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXVI, in Two Parts. 1889

Chapter XXXVII: Operations in West Florida, Southern Alabama, Southern Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico. May 14-Dec 31, 1863

Part I – Reports: Union and Confederate, Correspondence: Union

Part II - Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXVII, in Three Parts. 1889

Chapter XXXIX: Operations in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Department of the East. Jun 3-Aug 3, 1863.

Part I - Reports

Part II - Reports

Part III - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXVIII, in Two Parts. 1890

Chapter XL: Operations on the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia, and in Middle and East Florida. Jun 12-Dec 31, 1863

Part I - Reports

Part II - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXIX, in Two Parts. 1890

Chapter XLI: Operations in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Aug 4-Dec 31, 1863

Part I - Reports

Part II - Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXX, in Four Parts. 1890

Chapter XLII: Operations in Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, North Alabama, and North Georgia. Aug 11-Oct 19, 1863

Part I - Reports

Part II - Reports

Part III - Union Correspondence, etc.

Part IV - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXXI, in Three Parts. 1890

Chapter XLIII: Operations in Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, North Alabama, and North Georgia. Oct 20-Dec 31, 1863

Part I - Reports and Union Correspondence

Part II - Reports

Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXXII, in Three Parts. 1891

Chapter XLIV: Operations in Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and North Georgia. Jan 1-Apr 30, 1864

Part I - Reports

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXXIII. 1891

Chapter XLV: Operations in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Jan 1-Apr 30, 1864

Volume XXXIV, in Four Parts. 1891

Chapter XLVI: Operations in Louisiana and the Trans-Mississippi States and Territories. Jan 1-Jun30, 1864

Part I - Reports

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part IV - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXXV, in Two Parts. 1891

Chapter XLVII: Operations in South Carolina and Florida, and on the Georgia Coast. Jan 1-Nov 13, 1864

Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXXVI, in Three Parts. 1891

Chapter XLVIII: Operations in Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. May 1-Jun 12, 1864

Part I - Reports

Part II - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXXVII, in Two Parts. 1891

Chapter XLIX: Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. May 1-Aug 3, 1864

Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXXVIII, in Five Parts. 1891

Chapter L: The Atlanta, Ga., Campaign. May 1-Sep 8, 1864

Part I - Reports

Part II - Reports

Part III - Reports

Part IV - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part V - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XXXIX, in Three Parts. 1892

Chapter LI: Operations in Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and North Georgia (the Atlanta Campaign excepted). May 1-Nov 13, 1864

Part I - Reports

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XL, in Three Parts. 1892

Chapter LII: Operations in Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. Jun 13-Jul 31, 1864

Part I - Reports

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XLI, in Four Parts. 1893

Chapter LIII: Operations in Louisiana and the Trans-Mississippi States and Territories. Jul 1-Dec 31, 1864

Part I - Reports

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part IV - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XLII, in Three Parts. 1893

Chapter LIV: Operations in Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. Aug 1-Dec 31, 1864

Part I - Reports

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence

Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence

Volume XLIII, in Two Parts. 1893

Chapter LV: Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Aug 4-Dec 31, 1864

Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XLIV.1893

Chapter LVI: Operations in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Nov14-Dec 31, 1864

Volume XLV, in Two Parts. 1894

Chapter LVII: Operations in Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and North Georgia. Nov 14, 1864-Jan 22, 1865

Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume XLVI, in Three Parts. 1894-1895

Chapter LVIII: Operations in Northern and Southeastern Virginia, North Carolina (Jan 1-31), West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Jan 1-Jun 30, 1865

Part I - Reports

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence

Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence

Volume XLVII, in Three Parts. 1895

Chapter LIX: Operations in North Carolina (from Feb 1), South Carolina, Southern Georgia, and East Florida. Jan1-Jun 30, 1865

Part I - Reports

Part II – Section 1 Union and Confederate Correspondence

Part II – Section 2 Union and Confederate Correspondence

Part III - Union and Confederate Correspondence

Volume XLVIII, in Two Parts. 1896

Chapter LX: Operations in Louisiana and the Trans-Mississippi States and Territories. Jan 1-Jun 30, 1865

Part I – Section 1 - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence

Part I – Section 2 – Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence

Volume XLIX, in Two Parts. 1897

Chapter LXI: Operations in Kentucky, Southwestern Virginia, Tennessee, Northern and Central Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Florida. Jan 1-Jun 30, 1865

Part I - Reports, Union and Confederate Correspondence

Part II - Union and Confederate Correspondence

Volume L, in Two Parts. 1897

Chapter LXII: Operations on the Pacific Coast. Jan 1, 1861 – Jun 30, 1865

Part I - Reports, Correspondence, etc.

Part II – Section 1 - Correspondence, etc.

Part II – Section 2 – Correspondence, etc.

Volume LI, in Two Parts. 1897

Chapter LXIII: Operations in Maryland, Eastern North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia (except Southwestern), and West Virginia. Jan 1, 1861-Jun 30, 1865

Supplement Embracing Documents Found or Received too Late for Insertion in Volumes 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 33, 36, 37, 40, 42, 43, and 46.

Part I – Section 1 - Reports, Union Correspondence, etc.

Part I – Section 2 – Reports, Union Correspondence, etc.

Part II - Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume LII, in Two Parts. 1898

Chapter LXIV: Operations in Southwestern Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, West Florida, and Northern Georgia. Jan 1, 1861-Jun 30, 1865

Supplement Embracing Documents Found or Received too Late for Insertion in Volumes 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 45, and 49

Part I - Reports, Union Correspondence, etc.

Part II - Confederate Correspondence, etc.

Volume LIII. 1898

Chapter LXV: Operations in South Carolina, Southern Georgia, Middle and East Florida, and Western North Carolina. Jan 1, 1861-Jun 30, 1865

Supplement embracing documents found or received too late for insertion in Volumes 1, 6, 14, 28, 35, 44, and 47

Reports and Correspondence

Series II:

Contains the correspondence, orders, reports, and returns, Union and Confederate, relating to prisoners of war, and to State or political prisoners.

Volume I. 1894

1. The Texas Surrender

2. Earlier Captures and Arrests, and Measures of Pacification in Missouri

3. Union Policy of Repression in Maryland

4. Military Treatment of Captured and Fugitive Slaves

5. Confederate Policy of Repression in East Tennessee

Volume II. 1897

Section I - Treatment of suspected and disloyal persons, North and South

Section II – Treatment of suspected and disloyal persons, North and South

Volume III. 1898

Correspondence, Orders, etc., relating to Prisoners of War and State from Feb 19, 1861, to Jun 12, 1862

Volume IV. 1899

Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Jun 13, 1862, to Nov 30, 1862

Volume V. 1899

Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Dec 1, 1862, to Jun 10, 1863

Volume VI. 1899

Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Jun 11, 1863, to Mar 31, 1864

Volume VII. 1899

Section 1 - Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Apr 1, 1864, to Dec 31, 1864

Section 2 - Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Apr 1, 1864, to Dec 31, 1864

Volume VIII. 1899

Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Jan 1, 1865, to the end

Series III:

Contains the correspondence, orders, reports, and returns of the Union authorities not relating specially to the subjects of the first and second series.
It sets forth the annual and special reports of the Secretary of War, of the General-in-Chief, and of the chiefs of the several staff corps and departments;
the calls for troops, and the correspondence between the national and the several State authorities.

Volume I. 1899

Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Nov 1, 1860, to Mar 31, 1862

Volume II. 1899

Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Apr 1, 1862, to Dec 31, 1862

Volume III. 1899

Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Jan 1, 1863, to Dec 31, 1863

Volume IV. 1900

Section I - Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Jan 1, 1864, to Apr 30, 1865

Section II - Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Jan 1, 1864, to Apr 30, 1865

Volume V. 1900.

Correspondence, Orders, etc., from May 1, 1865, to the end

Series IV:
Contains the correspondence, orders, reports, and returns of the Confederate authorities, similar to that indicated for the Union officials, as of the third series, but excluding the correspondence between the Union and Confederate authorities given in that series.

Volume I. 1900

Section I - Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Dec 20, 1860, to Jun 30, 1862

Section II - Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Dec 20, 1860, to Jun 30, 1862

Volume II. 1900

Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Jul 1, 1862, to Dec 31, 1863

Volume III. 1900

Section I - Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Jan 1, 1864, to the end

Section II - Correspondence, Orders, etc., from Jan 1, 1864, to the end


General Index, and Additions and Corrections. 1901

Section I – Explanations, Synopsis index for the principal armies, army corps, military divisions and departments, Table showing volumes pertaining to contemporaneous operations,

General index, Additions and Corrections

Section II – Explanations, Synopsis index for the principal armies, army corps, military divisions and departments, Table showing volumes pertaining to contemporaneous operations, General index, Additions and Corrections
Index to Battles & Campaigns. 1899

The Ultimate




in the

 Civil War

68 - Books


A History of the 102nd Illinois Infantry Volunteers by S.F. Fleharty - (1865) - 189 pages

A History of the Ninety-fifth regiment, Illinois infantry volunteers : from its organization in the fall of 1862, until its final discharge from the United States service, in 1865 (1865) - Wood, Wales W - 240 pages

A History of the Ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry (1864) - Morrison, Marion - 95 pages

A History of the Seventy-third Regiment of Illinois Infantry Volunteers : its services and experiences in camp, on the march, on the picket and skirmish lines, and in many battles of the war, l861-65. Embracing an account of the movement from Columbia to Nashville, and the battles of Spring hill and Franklin (1890) - 682 pages

A Waif of the War; or, History of the Seventy-fifth Illinois infantry, embracing the entire campaigns of the Army of the Cumberland (1866) - Dodge, William Sumner - 241 pages

Army life of an Illinois soldier by Charles Wright Wills - (1906) - 383 pages

Army Memoirs of Lucius W. Barber, Company "D", 15th Illinois volunteer infantry. May 24,1861, to Sept. 30, 1865 (1894) - Barber, Lucius W. - 233 pages

Biographical Sketches of Illinois officers engaged in the war against the rebellion of 1861 by James Grant Wilson - (1862) - 106 pages

Bugle echoes; the story of Illinois 47th.. (1905) - Bryner, B. C. - 262 pages

Company K, Twentieth regiment, Illinois volunteer infantry; roster and record, April 24, 1861-July 16, 1865 by Andrew Brown - (1864) - 64 pages

Complete History of the 46th Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry, from the date of its organization in 1861, to its final discharge, February 1st, 1866, containing a full and authentic account of the participation of the Regiment in the battles, sieges, skirmishes and expeditions in which it has been engaged, together with a complete roster of the Regiment, showing the promotions, commissioned and non-commissioned, deaths, discharges and desertions (1866) - Woodbury, Henry H. - 76 pages

Historical Sketch of the Chicago Board of Trade Battery, Horse Artillery, Illinois volunteers (1902) - 88 pages

Historical Sketch of the Forty-Fifth Illinois Regiment : with a complete list of the officers and privates and an individual record of each man in the regiment (1869) - Adair, John M - 40 pages

History of Battery "A," First Illinois Light Artillery Volunteers (1899) - Kimbell, Charles B. - 320 pages

History of the 112th Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in the great War of the Rebellion, 1862-1865 (1885) - Thompson, Bradford F - 480 pages

History of the 115th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry (1900) - Royse, Isaac Henry Clay - 405 pages

History of the 124th Regiment, Illinois Infantry Volunteers : otherwise known as the "Hundred and Two Dozen," from August, 1862 to August, 1865 (1880) - Howard, R. L. - 519 pages

History of the 77th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Sept. 2, 1862-July 10, 1865 / c by Lieut. W. H. Bentley, with an introduction by General D. P. Grier (1883) - Bentley, W. H. - 396 pages

History of the Eighth cavalry regiment, Illinois volunteers, during the great rebellion; (1868) - Hard, Abner - 368 pages

History of the Eighty-fifth regiment, Illinois volunteer infantry (1901) - Aten, Henry J. - 506 pages

History of the Eighty-sixth regiment, Illinois volunteer infantry (1866) - Kinnear, J. R. - 139 pages

History of the Fortieth Illinois Inf., (volunteers) (1864) - Hart, E. J. - 198 pages

History of the Ninth Regiment Illinois Cavalry Volunteers. Pub. under the auspices of the Historical Committee of the Regiment .. (1888) - Davenport, Edward Adolphus - 450 pages

History of the Organization, marches, campings, general services and final muster out of Battery M, First regiment Illinois light artillery (1892) - 301 pages

History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois volunteer infantry, from its first muster into the U.S. service, April 25, 1861, to its final muster out, July 9, 1865 (1868) - Ambrose, D. Leib - 391 pages

History of the Thirty-Sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteers during the war of the rebellion (1876) - Bennett, L. G. (Lyman G.); Haigh, Wm. M. - 808 pages

History of the Thirty-Third Regiment Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War, 22nd August, 1861, to 7th December, 1865 (1902) - Way, Virgil Gilman; Elliott, Isaac Hughes - 291 pages

Illinois at Shiloh; report of the Shiloh Battlefield Commission and ceremonies at the dedication of the monuments erected to mark the positions of the Illinois commands engaged in the battle; the story of the battle (1905) - Mason, George; Waterloo, Stanley - 187 pages

Illinois Monuments at Gettysburg by John L. Beveridge - (1892) - 37 pages

Illustrated Roster of the Department of Illinois Grand Army of the Republic by William C. Shaw - (1914) - `160 pages

List of Surviving Members (so far as known) of the 105th Regt. Illinois volunteers, War of 1861-5 : date of muster in, September 2, 1862, date of muster out, June 7, 1865. July 31, 1886  - (1886) - 16 pages

Memoirs of the War, Illinois Infantry 10th Regiment 1861-1865 by Ephraim A. Wilson - (1893) - 845 pages

Military History and Reminiscences of the Thirteenth regiment of Illinois volunteer infantry in the civil war in the United States, 1861-1865 (1892) - 396 pages

Ninety-Second Illinois Volunteers (1875) - 390 pages

Our Regiment. A History of the 102nd Illinois infantry volunteers, with sketches of the Atlanta campaign, the Georgia raid, and the campaign of the Carolines (1865) - Fleharty, S. F. - 226 pages

Reception to the Members of the Ninety-sixth Regiment, Illinois Infantry Volunteers (1893) - Smith, John Corson - 75 pages

Register of Confederate soldiers who died in Camp Douglas, 1862-65 and lie buried in Oakwoods Cemetery, Chicago, Ills., 1892 by the United Confederate Veterans, Illinois Division - (1892) - 58 pages

Reminiscences of Chicago during the civil war by Mabel McIlvaine - (1914) - 194 pages

Reminiscences of the Civil War from Diaries of Members of the 103d Illinois volunteer infantry, by the Illinois Infantry, 103rd Regt. 1862-1865 - (1904) - 292 pages

Report of the Adjutant General of the state of Illinois , Volumes 1 - 8, 1861 -1866 Rosters officers and Enlisted Men by Illinois Military and Naval Dept. - (1900) - 5600 pages

Roster of the living members of the 102d Regt. Ill. Vols., 1911 by the Illinois Infantry 102d Regt. 1862-1865 - (1911) - 26 pages

Roster of the Survivors of the 86th Illinois volunteer infantry, with the post office addresses as far as known, together with the Proceedings of the reunion held at Peoria, Ill., August 27, 1887 (1887) - 36 pages

The 125th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry : attention batallion! (1882) - Rogers, Robert M - 226 pages

The Forty-Fifth Illinois, a souvenir of the re-union held at Rockford, on the fortieth anniversary of its march in the grand review; (1905) - Fish, Daniel - 31 pages

The History of Company A, Second Illinois Cavalry (1912) - Fletcher, Samuel H - 281 pages

The History of Jo Daviess County, Illinois, containing a history of the county, its cities, towns, etc., a biographical directory of its citizens, war record of its volunteers in the late rebellion ... history of the Northwest, history of Illinois ... Constitution of the United States (1878) - 845 pages

The History of the 104th Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, war of the great rebellion, 1862-1865 by William Calkins - (1895) - 32 pages

The history of the Fifty-Ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, or, A three years' campaign through Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky : with a description of the country, towns, skirmishes and battles (1865) - Lathrop, D. - 243 pages

The history of the One Hundred and Fourth Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, war of the great rebellion, 1862-1865 (1895) - Calkins, William Wirt - 539 pages

The History of the Thirty-ninth regiment Illinois volunteer veteran infantry, (Yates phalanx.) in the war of the rebellion (1889) - Clark, Charles M. -

The Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois in the great rebellion. Biographical sketches by James Barnet - (1865) - 266 pages

The Nineteenth Illinois; a memoir of a regiment of volunteer infantry famous in the Civil War of fifty years ago for its drill, bravery, and distinguished services (1912) - Haynie, Henry i. e. James Henry - 484 pages

The Past and Present of Kane County, Illinois : containing a history of the county ... a directory ... war record of its volunteers in the late rebellion ... statistics ... history of the Northwest ... etc., etc (1878) - Peirce, H. B. (Henry B.); Merrill, Arthur; Perrin, William Henry - 821 pages

The Patriotism of Illinois : a record of the civil and military history of the state in the War for the Union, with a history of the campaigns in which Illinois soldiers have been conspicuous, sketches of distinguished officers, the roll of the illustrious dead, movements of the sanitary and Christian commissions Volume 1 & 2 (1865) - Eddy, T. M. - 1312 pages

The Story of the Fifty-fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War, 1861-1865 (1887) - Crooker, Lucien B; Nourse, Henry S.; Brown, John G - 519 pages

The Thirty-third regiment Illinois infantry in the civil war, 1861-1865; (1912) - Burnham, John Howard - 8 pages

War Experiences and the story of the Vicksburg campaign from "Milliken's Bend" to July 4, 1863; being an accurate and graphic account of campaign events taken from the diary of Capt. J.J. Kellogg, of Co. B 113th Illinois volunteer infantry (1913) - Kellogg, John Jackson - 64 pages





in the

 Civil War

46 - Books


A History of the Thirty-first regiment of Indiana volunteer infantry in the war of the rebellion (1900) - Smith, John Thomas - 226 pages

From Vicksburg to Raleigh; or, A complete history of the Twelfth regiment Indiana volunteer infantry, and the campaigns of Grant and Sherman, with an outline of the great rebellion (1865) - Gage, Moses D - 356 pages

History of the Eighty-fifth Indiana volunteer infantry, its organization, campaigns and battles (1902) - Brant, Jefferson E. - 196 pages

History of the Eighty-first regiment of Indiana volunteer infantry in the great war of the rebellion, 1861 to 1865 ... A regimental roster. Prison life, adventures, etc. (1901) - Morris, George W - 202 pages

History of the Eighty-second Indiana Volunteer Infantry : its organization, campaigns and battles (1893) - Hunter, Alfred G - 255 pages

History of the Eighty-third Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry; for three years with Sherman (1865) - Grecian, Joseph - 163 pages

History of the Fifty-eighth regiment of Indiana volunteer infantry. Its organization, campaigns and battles from 1861 to 1865 (1895) - Hight, John J.; Stormont, Gilbert R. - 577 pages

History of the Fifty-first Indiana veteran volunteer infantry. A narrative of its organization, marches, battles and other experiences in camp and prison; from 1861 to 1866. With revised roster (1894) - Hartpence, Wm. and R. Iguana - 405 pages

History of the Forty-sixth regiment Indiana volunteer infantry, September, 1861-September, 1865 (1888) - 220 pages

History of the Seventh Indiana cavalry volunteers, and the expeditions, campaigns, raids, marches, and battles of the armies with which it was connected, with biographical sketches of Brevet Major Genral John P.C. Shanks, and of Brevet Brig. Gen. Thomas M. Browne, and other officers of the regiment; (1876) - Cogley, Thomas Sydenham - 267 pages

History of the Seventy-ninth regiment Indiana volunteer infantry in the civil war of eighteen sixty-one in the United States (1899) - Parker, George W - 221 pages

History of the Sixth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry : of both the three months' and three years' services : this work contains not only a complete history of the Sixth Indiana Regiment, its trials and hardships, the battles in which it was engaged, but a full description of every battle, its results, etc., also the losses on both sides, the number engaged on both sides, who the commanding officers were, etc (1891) - Briant, C. C. - 423 pages

History of the Sixty-eighth regiment, Indiana volunteer infantry, 1862-1865 (1902) - High, Edwin W. - 416 pages

History of the Third Indiana cavalry (1906) - Pickerill, William N - 201 pages

History of the Thirty-seventh regiment of Indiana infantry volunteers; its organization, campaigns, and battles--Sept. '61-Oct. '64 (1896) - Puntenney, George H - 220 pages

History of the thirty-third Indiana veteran volunteer infantry during the four years of civil war, from Sept. 16, 1861, to July 21, 1865 (1900) - McBride, John Randolph - 280 pages

Indiana at Vicksburg (1911) - Adams, Henry C. - 476 pages

Indiana's roll of honor Volume 1 (1864) - Stevenson, David, A. M; Scribner, Theodore T - 654 pages

Indiana's roll of honor Volume 2 (1864) - Stevenson, David, A. M; Scribner, Theodore T - 652 pages

Memorabilia of the Marches and Battles in which the One Hundredth Regiment of Indiana Infantry Volunteers took an active part. War of Rebellion, 1861-5 (1896) - Sherlock, Eli J - 432 pages

My Story of the Civil War and the Under-ground railroad (1914) - Butler, Marvin Benjamin, Indiana Infantry Regiment, 44th (1861-1865) - 390 pages

New History of the 99th Indiana Infantry : containing official reports, anecdotes, incidents, biographies and complete rolls (1900) - Lucas, Daniel R - 256 pages

Operations of the Indiana legion and minute men, 1863-4. Documents presented to the General assembly, with the governor's message, January 6, 1865 (1865) - 104 pages

Report of the adujutant general of the state of Indiana Volume 1 (1865) - Indiana. Adjutant general's office; Terrell, William H. H. - 856 pages

Report of the adujutant general of the state of Indiana Volume 2 (1865) - Indiana. Adjutant general's office; Terrell, William H. H. - 689 pages

Report of the adujutant general of the state of Indiana Volume 3 (1865) - Indiana. Adjutant general's office; Terrell, William H. H. - 712 pages

Report of the adujutant general of the state of Indiana Volume 4 (1865) - Indiana. Adjutant general's office; Terrell, William H. H. - 680 pages

Report of the adujutant general of the state of Indiana Volume 5 (1865) - Indiana. Adjutant general's office; Terrell, William H. H. - 698 pages

Report of the adujutant general of the state of Indiana Volume 6 (1865) - Indiana. Adjutant general's office; Terrell, William H. H. - 699 pages

Report of the adujutant general of the state of Indiana Volume 7 (1865) - Indiana. Adjutant general's office; Terrell, William H. H. - 781 pages

Report of the adujutant general of the state of Indiana Volume 8 (1865) - Indiana. Adjutant general's office; Terrell, William H. H. - 831 pages

The Eighty-sixth regiment, Indiana volunteer infantry : a narrative of its services in the civil war of 1861-1865 (1895) - Barnes, James A; Carnahan, James Richards; McCain, Thomas H. B - 613 pages

The history of the 67th regiment Indiana infantry volunteers, war of the rebellion (1892) - Scott, Reuben B. - 140 pages

The Seventieth Indiana volunteer infantry in the war of the rebellion (1900) - Merrill, Samuel - 372 pages

The soldier of Indiana in the war for the union Volume 1 (1866) - Merrill, Catharine - 690 pages

The soldier of Indiana in the war for the union Volume 2 (1866) - Merrill, Catharine - 815 pages

The story of the marches, battles and incidents of the 36th regiment Indiana volunteer infantry (1891) - Grose, William - 256 pages

The Twenty-seventh Indiana volunteer infantry in the war of the rebellion, 1861 to 1865. First division, 12th and 20th corps. A history of its recruiting, organization, camp life, marches and battles, together with a roster of the men composing it .. (1899) - Brown, Edmund Randolph - 640 pages

Indiana in the war of the rebellion (1869) - William H.H. Terrell -                     358 pages

Civil war letters of Pvt. Elias Baxter Decker of Tipton, Indiana, 75th Indiana Infantry, company G, 1857-1865

Eighty-second regiment, Indiana volunteers - (1901) - by the Indiana Infantry 82nd   Regiment - 22 pages      

Directory and soldiers' register of Wayne County, Indiana - (1865) - by J.C. Power - 209 pages

The Forty-Fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry : history of its services in the war of the rebellion and a personal (1880) by John H. Rerick - 272 pages

The war for the Union, 1861-1865. A record of its defenders, living and dead, from Steuben county, Indiana; and history of veteran organizations and kindred associations by Jesse H. Carpenter - 90 pages

History of the 11th Indiana Battery : connected with an outline history of the army of the Cumberland during the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65 by John Otto - (1891) - 107 pages

Civil War diary of Willis B. Keith by W.B. Keith - (1900) - Typewritten copy - 22 pages John

New history of the 99th Indiana Infantry: containing official reports, anecdotes, incidents, biographies and complete rolls by Daniel R. Lucas - (1900) -252 pages

The Ultimate




in the

 Civil War

26 - Books


Iowa in War Times, (1888) - Byers, S. H. M. (Samuel Hawkins Marshall) - 615 pages

Downing's Civil War Diary (1916) - Downing, Alexander G.; Clark, Olynthus Burroughs - 325 pages

History of the Seventh Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry during the civil war (1903) - Smith, H. I. (Henry I.) - 313 pages

Reunion of Twelfth Iowa vet. vol. infantry .. (1880) - 437 pages

Recollections with the Third Iowa regiment: (1864) - Thompson, Seymour D. (Seymour Dwight) - 396 pages

Iowa Colonels and Regiments: being a history of Iowa regiments in the war of the rebellion; and containing a description of the battles in which they have fought (1865) - Stuart, Addison A - 656 pages

First Reunion, Twenty-second Iowa regiment, at Iowa City, Sept. 22 and 23 (1886) - 23 pages

The Lyon Campaign in Missouri : being a history of the First Iowa Infantry and of the causes which led up to its organization, and how it earned the thanks of Congress, which it got : together with a birdseye view of the conditions in Iowa preceding the great Civil War of 1861 (1907) - Ware, Eugene Fitch - 377 pages

Roster and Record of Iowa soldiers in the War of the Rebellion : together with historical sketches of volunteer organizations, 1861-1866 [Volume 4 only] (1908) - 900 pages

History of the 33d Iowa Infantry Volunteer Regiment, 1863-6 (1866) - Sperry, A. F. (Andrew F.) - 237 pages

Iowa and the Rebellion. A history of the troops furnished by the state of Iowa to the volunteer armies of the Union, which conquered the great Southern Rebellion of 1861-5 (1867) - Ingersoll, Lurton Dunham - 743 pages

Roster of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, 1861-1865 : an appendix to "The story of a cavalry regiment." (1902) - Scott, William Forse - 243 pages

First Reunion of Iowa's Hornet's Nest Brigade. 2d, 7th, 8th, 12th, and 14th infantry (1888) - Iowa Hornets' Nest Brigade Association - 72 pages

A History of the First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers : from its organization in 1861 to its muster out of the United States service in 1866 : also, a complete roster of the regiment (1890) - Lothrop, Charles H. (Charles Henry); Lothrop, Virginia - 431 pages

Reminiscences of the Twenty-second Iowa volunteer infantry, giving its organization, marches, skirmishes, battles, and sieges, as taken from the diary of Lieutenant S.C. Jones of Company A (1907) - Jones, S. C. (Samuel Calvin) - 164 pages

History of the Second Iowa cavalry; containing a detailed account of its organization, marches, and the battles in which it has participated; also, a complete roster of each company (1865) - Pierce, Lyman B - 237 pages

Report of the Battle Flag Committee appointed by the Twenty-Fourth General Assembly to provide cases and transfer the Iowa battle flags from the Arsenal to the State capitol (1896) - Iowa Battle Flag Committee - 85 pages

History of the Twenty-second Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry; ... its campaigns in Missouri, in the siege and capture of Vicksburg, in the Texas expedition and in the Shenandoah Valley (1865) - Barnett, Simeon - 90 pages

Recollections of field service with the Twentieth Iowa Infantry Volunteers : or, what I saw in the Army; embracing accounts of marches, battles, sieges, and skirmishes, in Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Texas, and along the northern border of Mexico (1865) - Barney, C - 662 pages

The politics of Iowa during the civil war and reconstruction (1911) - Clark, Olynthus Burroughs - 202 pages

Border Defence in Iowa during the Civil War (1918) - Clark D.E. -24 pages

   Sketches of the war (US Army Iowa Calvalry Regiment 5th (1861-  1865-  (1911) - Nott, Charles Cooper - 200 pages

     List of ex-soldiers, sailors and marines, living in Iowa (1886) by the Iowa Adjuntant generals office  - 768 pages

     Biographical data and army record of old soldiers who have lived in O'Brien Co. Iowa (1909) by Schee, George W. - 196 pages

   Roster of Co. I, 6th Iowa Infantry, war of the rebellion (1912) - Kremer,   Wesley Potter - 34 pages

History of the Fifteenth Regiment, Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, from October, 1861, to August,  1865, when disbanded at the end of the war (1887) - Belknap, William W. - 648 pages

The Ultimate




in the

 Civil War

20 - Books


Seventeenth Maine regiment at Gettysburg by the United States Army - (1880) - 72 pages

Brief sketch of the battle of Gettysburg; introduction to Maine at Gettysburg by Charles Hamlin - (1898) - 13 pages

History of the First - Tenth - Twenty-ninth Maine regiment. In service of the United States from May 3, 1861, to June 21, 1866 by John Mead gould - (1871) - 709 pages

The sword of honor; a story of the civil war, Maine Infantry. 3rd Regiment by Hannibal Augustus Johnson - (1906) - 96 pages

The story of one regiment; the Eleventh Maine infantry volunteers in the war of the rebellion by the United States Army - (1896) - 452 pages

Military history of Waterville, Maine by Isaac Sparrow Bangs - (1902) - 76 pages

The Sixteenth Maine regiment in the war of the rebellion by Abner Ralph Small - (1886) - 323 pages(1904

Eastern Maine and the rebellion: being an account of the principal local events in eastern Maine during the war by Ruel H. Stanley - (1887) - 392 pages

Reunions of the Twentieth Maine regiment association at Portland by United States Army - (1881) - 30 pages

History of the Fourth Maine battery, light artillery, in the civil war, 1861-65; containing a brief account of its services compiled from diaries of its members and other sources. Also personal sketches of many of its members and an account of its reunions from 1882 to 1905 by Maine Artillery 4th Battery - (1905) - 182 pages -Note: the text in this book is light in contrast but still legiable.

Our Civil War: a lecture delivered in Portland, Maine by Peter B Templeton - (1861) - 24 pages

History of the First Maine cavalry, 1861-1865 by Edward P. Tobie - (1887) - 729 pages

Roster and statistical record of Company D, of the Eleventh regiment Maine infantry volunteers, with a sketch of its services in the war of the rebellion by Albert B. Maxfield - (1890) - 82 pages

The First Maine heavy artillery, 1862-1865 by Horace H. Shaw - (1903) - 511 pages

Army life : a private's reminiscences of the Civil War (Maine Infantry Regiment 20th) by Theodore Gerish - (1882)- 383 pages

Historic record and complete biographic roster, 21st Me. Vols. with reunion records of the 21st Maine Regimental Association by Joseph T. Woodward - (1907) - 260 pages,

The Thirty-second Maine regiment of infantry volunteers; an historical sketch by Henry Clarence Houston - (1903) - 534 pages

The history of the Nineteenth regiment of Maine volunteer infantry, 1862-1865 by John Day Smith - (1909) - 334 pages

History of the Fifth regiment Maine volunteers, comprising brief descriptions of its marches, engagements, and general services from the date of its muster in, June 24, 1861, to the time of its muster out, July 27, 1864 by Rev. George W. Bicknell - (1871) - 403 pages

My recollections of the war of the rebellion (Maine Infantry Regiment 23rd (1862-1863), Maine Mounted Artillery Regiment, 1st Battery, 7th) by William Berry Lapham - (1892) - 240 pages1




in the

 Civil War

21 - Books


Organization and status of Missouri troops, Union and Confederate, in service during the Civil War by United States Record and Pension Office - (1902) - 334 pages

Official register of Missouri troops for 1862. Published by authority by Missouri Office of the Adjutant General - (1863) - 150 pages

The 21st Missouri Regiment Infantry Veteran Volunteers by T.W. Holman - (1899) - 39 pages

Missouri party struggles in the civil war period by Samuel Bannister Harding - (1901) - 103 pages

Some lists of Missouri soldiers from the civil war (These lists were produced individually and anonymously." All these lists are dated 1862 or 1863) - 30 pages

Lincoln and Missouri by Walter Barlow Stevens - (1916) - 92 pages,

With Porter in North Missouri; a chapter in the history of the war between the states by Joseph A. Mudd - (1909) - 432 pages (1866) C.S.A 4)

The story of the guard: a chronicle of the war (United States Army Missouri Cavalry) by Jessie Benton Fremont - (1863) - 2326 pages

Missouri troops in service during the civil war. Letter from the secretary of war, in response to the Senate resolution passed on June 14, 1902 by the United States Record and Pension Office - (1902) - 334 pages

Soldiering on foot and on horseback during the Civil War. Interesting experiences during the war of the rebellion by Luther William Harris (Mr. Harris was a member of Co. B, 7th Missouri Cavalry the first year of the war, then of Co. H, 72nd Illinois Infantry, for the remainder of the duration) - 12 pages

History of Lafayette county, Mo. , carefully written and compiled from the most authentic official and private sources, including a history of its townships, cities, towns, and villages, together with a condensed history of Missouri; the Constitution of the United States, and state of Missouri; a military record of volunteers in either army of the great civil war .. by the Missouri Historical Company - (1881) - 702 pages

Memoirs: historical and personal; including the campaigns of the First Missouri Confederate Brigade by Ephraim McDowell Anderson - (1868) - 434 pages

Gen. Nathaniel Lyon, and Missouri in 1861 : a monograph of the great rebellion by James Peckham - (1866) - 448 pages

Itinerary of General Sterling Price's Missouri expedition, Aug. 28, 1864-Dec. 3, 1864 by Sterling Price - 14 pages

Three years in the service. A record of the doings of the 11th reg. Missouri vols by D. McCall - (1864) - 40 pages

A private chapter of the war (1861-5) (U.S. Army Missouri Infantry Regiment 6th) by George Bailey - (1880) - 270 pages

Slavery in the United States, emancipation in Missouri. Speech of Samuel T. Glover, at the ratification meeting in St. Louis, held at the Court House, July 22, 1863 by Samuel T. Glover - (1863) - 18 pages6

Four years with five armies: Army of the frontier, Army of the Potomac, Army of the Missouri, Army of the Ohio, Army of the Shenandoah by Isaac Gause - (1908) - 386 pages)

An illustrated history of the Missouri Engineer and the 25th Infantry Regiments; together with a roster of both regiments and the last known address of all that could be obtained .. by William A. Neal - (1889) - 304 pages

The Union cause in St. Louis in 1861; an historical sketch by Robert Julius Rombauer - (1909) - 475 pages

The rebellion : its origin and life in slavery. Position and policy of Missouri, by Charles Daniel Drake - (1862) - 8 pages



New Hampshire

in the

 Civil War

27 - Books


The Seventh Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion (1896) - Little, Henry F. W - 809 pages

A History of the Fifth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, in the American Civil War, 1861-1865 (1893) - Child, William - 650 pages

A History of the Eighth Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, including its service as infantry, Second N. H. Cavalry, and Veteran Battalion in the Civil War of 1861-1865, covering a period of three years, ten months, and nineteen days (1892) - Stanyan, John M - 662 pages

History of the 2nd Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers: its camps, marches and battles (1865) - Haynes, Martin A. (Martin Alonzo) - 224 pages

New Hampshire in the great rebellion : containing histories of the several New Hampshire regiments, and a biographical notices of many of the prominent actors in the Civil War of 1861-65 (1870) - Waite, Otis F. R. (Otis Frederick Reed) - 608 pages

A History of the 2nd regiment, New Hampshire volunteer infantry, in the war of the rebellion (1896) - Haynes, Martin A. (Martin Alonzo) - 507 pages

A History of the 11th New Hampshire Regiment, Volunteer Infantry in the rebellion war, 1861-1865  (1891) - Cogswell, Leander W. (Leander Winslow) - 785 pages

History of the 9th Regiment, New Hampshire volunteers in the War of the rebellion (1895) - Lord, Edward O. (Edward Oliver) - 1093 pages

History of the 12th regiment, New Hampshire volunteers in the war of the rebellion (1897) - Bartlett, Asa W. - 867 pages

History of the 6th New Hampshire Regiment in the war for the Union (1891) - Jackman, Lyman - 630 pages

Complete roster of the 8th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers (1895) - New Hampshire Adjutant- General's Office - 106 pages

The Third New Hampshire and all about it (1893) - Eldredge, D. (Daniel) - 1054 pages

History of the 18th New Hampshire Volunteers, 1864-5 (1904) - Livermore, Thomas L. (Thomas Leonard) - 124 pages

History of the 15th Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers : 1862-1863 (1900) - McGregor, Charles - 623 pages

History of the 16th regiment, New Hampshire volunteers (1897) - Townsend, L. T. (Luther Tracy) - 574 pages

Thirteenth regiment of New Hampshire volunteer infantry in the war of the rebellion, 1861-1865: a diary covering three years and a day (1888) - Thompson, S. Millet - 717 pages

History of the Seventeenth regiment, New Hampshire volunteer infantry,1862-1863 (1898) - Kent, Charles Nelson - 325 pages

The First Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers in the Great Rebellion: containing the story of the campaign; an account of the "Great uprising of the people of state," and other articles upon subjects associated with the early war period .. (1890) - Abbott, Stephen G - 511 pages

A minor war history compiled from a soldier boy's letters to "the girl I left behind me", 1861-1864. Dramatis personae, The soldier boy - Martin A. Haynes, Company I, Second New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry. "The girl I left behind me" - Cornelia T. Lane, now and for more than fifty years the wife of the soldier boy (1916) - Haynes, Martin A. (Martin Alonzo) - 171 pages

A memorial of the Great Rebellion: being a history of the Fourteenth Regiment New-Hampshire Volunteers, covering its three years of service, with original sketches of army life. 1862-1865 (1882) - Buffum, Francis H. (Francis Henry) - 443 page

A History of the army experience of William A. Canfield - US Army New Hampshire Infantry Regiment 9th (1862-1865) (1869) - Canfield, William A. - 34 pages

Roster, Fourth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers (1896) - Hutchinson, John G - 204 pages

Muster out roll of the second New Hampshire regiment in the war of rebellion (1917) - Haynes, Martin A. (Martin Alonzo) - 55 pages

History of the New Hampshire surgeons in the war of rebellion (1906) - Conn, Granville Priest -558 pages

Claremont war history: April, 1861, to April, 1865: with sketches of New-Hampshire regiments, and a biographical notice of each Claremont soldier, etc (1868) - Waite, Otis Frederick Reed - 299 pages

Reminiscences of the war of the rebellion, 1861-1865 (1911) Copp, Elbridge J. - 530 pages

Days and events, 1860-1866 - US Army New Hampshire Infantry Regiment 18th - (1920) - Livermore, Thomas L. - 480 pages



North Carolina

in the

 Civil War

18 - Books


Garrie Jackson papers, 1863-1865 (1863) - Jackson, Garrie - 113 pages

Histories of the several regiments and battalions from North Carolina, in the great war 1861-'65 Volume 3 (1901) - Clark, Walter - 898 pages

Histories of the several regiments and battalions from North Carolina, in the great war 1861-'65 Volume 5 (1901) - Clark, Walter - 958 pages

Letters from the Forty-fourth regiment M.V.M. : a record of the experience of a nine months' regiment in the Department of North Carolina in 1862-3 (1863) - Haines, Zenas T - 144 pages

North Carolina in the civil war - (1902) - Sloan Foundation - 12 pages

Official army register of the volunteer force of the United States army for the years 1861, '62, '63, '64, '65 .. (1865) - United States. Adjutant-General's Office - 100 pages

Official program United Confederate Veterans, at their 39th reunion, held at Charlotte, N.C., June 5th, 1929. (1929) No Copyright. - by U.C.V.C.M.A. - 100 pages

Record of the service of the Forty-Fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia in North Carolina, August 1862 to May 1863 (1887) - Gardner, James Brown - 424 pages

Reminiscences of the Civil War, 1861-1865 (1909) - Ledford, Preston   Lafayette - 128 pages

Reminiscences of the Guilford Grays, Co. B., 27th N. C. regiment by John A. Sloan - (1883) -126 pages

Roster of Confederate soldiers in the war between the states furnished   by Lincoln County, North Carolina, 1861-1865 (1905) - Nixon, Alfred - 88 pages

Roster of North Carolina troops in the war between the states, Volume 2, by North Carolina General Assembly, John Wheeler - (1882) - 723 pages of North Carolina troops in the war between (1883)

Roster of the twenty-one companies furnished by Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in the late war, 1861-65 by J.B. Alexander - (1899) - 58 pages

Soldiering in North Carolina; being the experiences of a 'typo' in the pines, swamps, fields, sandy roads, towns, cities, and among the fleas, wood-ticks, 'gray-backs,' mosquitoes, blue-tail flies, moccasin snakes, lizards, scorpions, rebels, and other reptiles, pests, and vermin of the 'Old north state.' Embracing an account of the three-years and nine-months Massachusetts regiments in the department, the freedmen, etc., etc., etc (1864) - Kirwan, Thomas - 142 pages

The Civil War in Chowan County, North Carolina (1916) - Richard Dillard - 40 pages

The last ninety days of the war in North Carolina (1866) - Spencer,  by  Cornelia Phillips - 310 pages

The raising, organization and equipment of North Carolina troops during the Civil War (1919) - Clark, Walter - 20 pages

The southern soldier boy : a thousand shots for the Confederacy by James Carson Elliott - (1907) - 74 pages

The Ultimate




in the

 Civil War

72 - Books


A corporal's story. Experiences in the ranks of Company C, 81st Ohio vol. infantry, during the war for the maintenance of the Union, 1861-1864 (1887) - Wright, Charles - 143 pages

A historic sketch, lest we forget Company "E." 26th Ohio infantry in the war for the union, 1861-65 (1909) - Kelly, Walden - 45 pages

A history of the Eleventh regiment, (Ohio volunteer infantry,) containing the military record ... of each officer and enlisted man of the command-a list of deaths-an account of the veterans-incidents of the field and camp-names of the three months' volunteers, etc., etc. (1866) - Horton, J. H; Teverbaugh, Solomon - 287 pages

A military record of Battery D, First Ohio veteran volunteers, light artillery; (1908) - 221 pages

Dan. McCook's regiment, 52nd O. V. I (1900) - Stewart, Nixon B. - 244 pages

Every-day soldier life, or A history of the One hundred and thirteenth Ohio volunteer infantry (1884) - McAdams, F. M. (Francis Marion) - 400 pages

Four years in the saddle. History of the First Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 (1898) - Curry, W. L - 532 pages

Greene County soldiers in the late war : being a history of the Seventy-fourth O.V.I., with sketches of the Twelfth, Ninety-fourth, One Hundred and Tenth, Forty-fourth, Tenth Ohio Battery, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth, Fifty-fourth, Seventeenth, Thirty-fourth, One Hundred and Eighty-fourth, together with a list of Greene County's soldiers (1884) - Owens, Ira S - 294 pages

History and Roster of the Fourth and Fifth independent battalions and Thirteenth regiment Ohio cavalry volunteers: their battles and skirmishes, roster of the dead, etc (1902) - Aston, Howard - 221 pages

History of the 102d Regiment, O.V.I (1907) - Schmutz, Geo. S - 332 pages

History of the 104th regiment Ohio volunteer infantry from 1862 to 1865 (1886) - Pinney, N - 170 pages

History of the 133rd regiment, O. V. I. and incidents connected with its service during the "War of the Rebellion." (1896) - Sherman, S. M. - 180 pages

History of the 21st Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion (1893) - Canfield, S. S. - 294 pages

History of the 78th regiment O.V.V.I., from its "muster-in" to its "muster-out"; comprising its organization, marches, campaigns, battles and skirmishes (1865) - Stevenson, Thomas M. - 349 pages

History of the 90th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Great Rebellion in the United States, 1861-1865 (1902) - Harden, H. O. (Henry O.) - 337 pages

History of the Eighty-first regiment Ohio infantry volunteers : during the war of the rebellion (1865) - Chamberlin, W. H. - 226 pages

History of the Eighty-sixth regiment Ohio volunteer infantry (1909) - Ashburn, Joseph Nelson - 168 pages

History of the Eighty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry (1912) - Marshall, T. B. - 248 pages

History of the Fifty-third regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, during the war of the rebellion, 1861 to 1865. Together with more (1900) - Duke, John K. - 364 pages

History of the Fortieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry (1884) - Beach, John N - 244 pages

History of the Forty-eigth Ohio vet. vol. inf. giving a complete account of the regiment from its organization at Camp Dennison, Ohio, in October, 1861, to the close of the war, and its final muster-out, May 10, 1866 .. (1880) - Bering, John A. - 284 pages

History of the Fourteenth Ohio regiment, O.V.V.I. : from the beginning of the war in 1861 to its close in 1865 (1881) - Chase, J. A. - 148 pages

History of the service of the Third Ohio veteran volunteer cavalry in the war for the preservation of the Union from 1861-1865 (1910) Crofts, Thos. - 330 pages

History of the Seventh Ohio volunteer cavalry (1881) - Rankin, R. C. (Richard C.) - 29 pages

History of the Thirtieth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry : from its organization, to the fall of Vicksburg, Miss. (1863) - Brinkerhoff, Henry R - 136 pages

History of the Thirty-second Regiment : Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry (1896) - Hays, E. Z. - 308 pages

Itinerary of the Seventh Ohio volunteer infantry, 1861-1864, with roster, portraits and biographies (1907) - Wilson, Lawrence - 928 pages

Journal history of the Twenty-ninth Ohio veteran volunteers, 1861-1865 (1883) - Se Cheverell, J - 298 pages

Journal-history of the Seventy-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry (1866) - Hurst, Samuel H - 253 pages

Lincoln's body guard, the Union Light Guard of Ohio; With some personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln (1911) - McBride, Robert W. - 39 pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the war of the rebellion., 1861-1866 Volume 10 (1886) - 711 pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the war of the rebellion., 1861-1866 Volume 11 (1886) - 811 pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the war of the rebellion., 1861-1866 Volume 3 (1886) - 782 pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the war of the rebellion., 1861-1866 Volume 4 (1886) - 820 pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the war of the rebellion., 1861-1866 Volume 5 (1886) - 808 pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the war of the rebellion., 1861-1866 Volume 6 (1886) - 786 pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the war of the rebellion., 1861-1866 Volume 7 (1886) - 786 pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the war of the rebellion., 1861-1866 Volume 8 (1886) - 788 pages

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the war of the rebellion., 1861-1866 Volume 9 (1886) - 790 pages

Ohio at Shiloh; report of the commission (1903) - Lindsey, Thomas Jefferson - 226 pages

Ohio at Vicksburg; report of the Ohio Vicksburg Battlefield Commission (1906) - Gault, William Perryander - 374 pages

Ohio in the war : her statesmen, her generals, and soldiers Volume 1 (1868) - Reid, Whitelaw - 1050 pages

Ohio in the war : her statesmen, her generals, and soldiers Volume 2 (1868) - Reid, Whitelaw - 949 pages

Opdycke tigers, 125th O. V. I., a history of the regiment and of the campaigns and battles of the Army of the Cumberland (1895) - Clark, Charles T - 524 pages

Recollections of a cavalryman of the civil war after fifty years, 1861-1865 (1915) - Hamilton, William Douglas - 309 pages

Record of service of Company K, 150th O. V. I. 1864 (1903) - Cannon, James Calkins - 39 pages

Record of the 94th regiment, Ohio volunteer infantry, in the war of the rebellion (1892) - 166 pages

Record of the One hundred and sixteenth regiment, Ohio infantry volunteers in the war of the rebellion (1884) - Wildes, Thomas Francis - 404 pages

Reminiscences of a boy's service with the 76th Ohio, in the Fifteenth Army Corps (1908) - Willison, Charles A. - 127 pages

Report of proceedings of Ohio brigade reunion, including addresses, correspondence, etc., held at Columbus, Ohio, October 3 and 4, 1878 (1879) - 66 pages

Roster of the Ninety-sixth regiment, Ohio volunteer infantry (1895) - Bartlett, Robert F - 196 pages

Story of the One Hundred and First Ohio Infantry : a memorial volume (1894) - Day, L. W. (Lewis W.) - 463 pages

The campaigns of the 124th regiment, Ohio volunteer infantry (1894) - Lewis, G - 352 pages

The colonel's diary; journals kept before and during the civil war by the late Colonel Oscar L. Jackson...sometime commander of the 63rd regiment O. V. I (1922) - Jackson, Oscar L. (Oscar Lawrence); Jackson, David Prentice - 262 pages

The Fifteenth Ohio volunteers and its campaigns, war of 1861-5 (1916) - Cope, Alexis - 796 pages

The Forty-first Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 (1897) - Kimberly, Robert L; Holloway, Ephraim S - 292 pages

The Forty-second Ohio infantry: a history of the organization and services of that regiment in the war of the rebellion; (1876) - Mason, Frank H. - 332 pages

The history of Fuller's Ohio brigade, 1861-1865; its great march, with roster, portraits, battle maps and biographies (1909) - Smith, Charles H. - 623 pages

The military history of the 123d Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry (1874) - Keyes, C. M. - 212 pages

The service of the regiment in Maryland and the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia; (1911]) - Perkins, George - 118 pages

The story of a regiment : a history of the campaigns, and associations in the field, of the Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry (1868) - Hannaford, E - 634 pages.

The story of a thousand. Being a history of the service of the 105th Ohio volunteer infantry, in the war for the union from August 21, 1862 to June 6, 1865 (1896) - Tourgée, Albion Winegar - 497 pages

The story of the 91st : read at a re-union of the 91st Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, held at Portsmouth, Ohio, April 8, 1868, in response to the toast, "Our bond of union" (1868) - Ewing, E. E. (Elmore Ellis) - 25 pages

Trials and triumphs : the record of the 55th Ohio Volunteer Infantry (1904) - Osborn, Hartwell - 364 pages

War as viewed from the ranks. Personal recollections of the War of the Rebellion, by a private soldier (1898) - Keesy, W. A. (William Allen) - 240 pages

Ohio politics during the Civil War period (1911) - by George Henry Porter - 250 pages

Relation of southern Ohio to the South during the decade preceding the civil war (1913) by David Carl Shilling - 28 pages

The 67th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, a brief record of its four years of service in the Civil War: 1861-1865 (1922) by the Ohio Infantry 67th - 24 pages 01

300 days in a Yankee prison; reminiscenses of war life, captivity, imprisonment at Camp Chase, Ohio (1904) by John Henry King - 114 pages captivity, imprisonment

Volunteers of Washington County, Ohio : war of the rebellion 1861-1865 ; Also members and officers of Buell Post No. 178, G.A.R. ... Comrades buried in the cemeteries of Marietta, Ohio, to January 1st, 1913 (1913) by Charles Humphreys Newton -104 pages

Services of the Ninety-sixth Ohio volunteers (1874) by J.T. Woods - 236 pages

 Army register of Ohio volunteers in the service of the United States (1862) by Charles A. Poland - 74 pages



Rhode Island

in the

 Civil War

24 - Books


A Narrative of the Campaign of the First Rhode Island regiment, in the spring and summer of 1861 ... (1862) - Woodbury, Augustus - 260 pages

Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, in the Civil War, 1861-1865 (1897) - Sumner, George C - 216 pages

Campaign of Battery D, 1st Rhode Island light artillery (1913) - Parker, Ezra Knight - 64 pages

Diary of Battery A, 1st Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery (1865) - Reichardt, Theodore - 172 pages

Extract from the history of the 3rd Regiment R. I. Heavy Artillery (1894) - Rhode Island. Adjutant-General's Office - 32 pages

46 months with the 4th R. I. volunteers, in the war of 1861 to 1865 (1887) - Allen, George H. - 408 pages

History of Company F, 1st regiment, R.I. volunteers, during the spring and summer of 1861 (1891) - Clarke, Charles H - 90 pages

History of the Eleventh regiment, Rhode Island volunteers, in the war of the rebellion (1881) - Thompson, John C. - 242 pages

History of the Fifth Regiment of Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, during three years and a half of service in North Carolina. January 1862-June 1865 (1892) - Burlingame, John K - 428 pages

History of the 9th and 10th Regiments Rhode Island Volunteers, and the 10th Rhode Island Battery, in the Union Army in 1862 (1892) - Spicer, William Arnold - 440 pages

History of the 7th Squadron, Rhode Island Cavalry (1879) - Corliss, Augustus Whittemore - 36 pages

History of the 12th Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, in the Civil War, 1862-1863 (1904) - Tillinghast, Pardon Elisha - 522 pages

Memoirs of Rhode Island officers who were engaged in the service of their country during the great rebellion of the South. Illustrated with thirty-four portraits (1867) - Bartlett, John Russell - 606 pages

My first campaign (1863) - Grant, Joseph W - 152 pages

Official register of Rhode Island officers and soldiers who served in the United States army and navy from 1861 to 1865. Published by order of the General assembly, January session, 1866 (1866) - Rhode Island. Adjutant general's - 112 pages

Reminiscences of 2 years with the colored troops (1880) - Addeman, Joshua M. - 54 pages

Rhode Island in the rebellion (1864) - Stone, Edwin Winchester - 454 pages

Sabres and spurs : the First Regiment Rhode Island Cavalry in the Civil War, 1861-1865 : its origin, marches, scouts, skirmishes, raids, battles, sufferings, victories, and appropriate official papers, with the roll of honor and roll of the regiment : illustrated with portraits of cavalry generals and a map of the regiment's war-path (1876) - Denison, Frederic - 600 pages

The Fourteenth regiment Rhode Island heavy artillery (colored) in the war to preserve the Union, 1861-1865 (1898) - Chenery, William H - 448 pages

The history of Battery A, First regiment Rhode Island light artillery in the war to preserve the union, 1861-1865 (1904) - Aldrich, Thomas M - 496 pages

The history of Battery E, First regiment Rhode Island light artillery, in the war of 1861 and 1865, to preserve the Union (1892) - Lewis, George - 616 pages

The history of Battery H, first regiment Rhode Island light artillery, in the war to preserve the union, 1861-1865 (1894) - Fenner, Earl - 270 pages

The 2nd Rhode Island regiment: a narrative of military operations in which the regiment was engaged from the beginning to the end of the war for the union (1875) - Woodbury, Augustus - 633

The 2nd Rhode Island volunteers at the siege of Petersburg, Virginia (1915) - Rhodes, Elisha Hunt - 31 pages




in the

 Civil War

25 - Books


East Tennessee and the civil war by Oliver Perry Temple - (1899) - 588 pages

The loyal mountaineers of Tennessee by Thomas William Humes - (1888) - 398 pages

The First Tennessee Regiment, United States Volunteers by Will Thomas Hale - (1899) - 57 pages

Old Nineteenth Tennessee regiment, C. S. A by William Johnson Worsham - (1902) - 235 pages

Tennessee in the war, 1861-1865; lists of military organizations and officers from Tennessee in both the Confederate and Union armies; general and staff officers of the provisional army of Tennessee, appointed by Governor Isham G. Harris by Marcus Joseph Wright - (1908) - 224 pages

A brief narrative of the 4th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, Wheeler's Corps, Army of Tennessee by George B. Guild - (1913) - 267 pages

Campaigns and battles of the 16th Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers, in the war between the states, with incidental sketches of the part performed by other Tennessee troops in the by Thomas A. Head - (1885) - 474 pages

Personal record of the 13th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry by Alfred J. Vaughan - (1897) - 80 pages\

Battles and sketches of the Army of Tennessee by Bromfield Lewis Ridley - (1906) - 662 pages

Down in Tennessee, and back by way of Richmond. by James R. Gilmore - (1864) - 279 pages

Who planned the Tennessee campaign of 1862? or, Anna Ella Carroll vs. Ulysses S. Grant : a few generally unknown facts in regard to our Civil War by Matilda Joslyn Gage - (1880) - 16 pages

Hancock's diary: or, A history of the Second Tennessee Confederate cavalry by Richard R. Hancock - (1887) - 644 pages

"Co. Aytch" : Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment, or, a side show of the big show by Samuel R Watkins - (1900) - 222 pages

First reunion of the survivors of the Army of the Tennessee and its four corps by Association of Survivors of the Army of Tennessee - (1892) - 214 pages

History of the Twentieth Tennessee Regiment Volunteer Infantry, C.S.A by William Josiah McMurray - (1904) - 512 pages

The retreat from Pulaski to Nashville, Tenn.; battle of Franklin, Tennessee, November 30th, 1864; by Levi Tucker Scofield - (1909) - 66 pages

The Battle of Spring Hill, Tennessee : read after the stated meeting held February 2d, 1907 by John K. Sheelenberger - (1907) - 26 pages

History of the Thirteenth Regiment, Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, U. S. A. : including a narrative of the bridge burning; the Carter County rebellion, and the loyalty, heroism and suffering of the Union men and women of Carter and Johnson counties, Tennessee, during the Civil War ... by Samuel W. Scott - (1903) - 510 pages

History of the First regiment of Tennessee volunteer cavalry in the great war of the rebellion, with the armies of the Ohio and Cumberland, under Generals Marogan, Rosecrans, Thomas, Stanley and Wilson by William Randolph Carter - (1902) - 56 pages  

Letters and memorials of an East Tennessee Union soldier, in behalf of his long suffering and oppressed countrymen, under rebel anarchy in 1861-2-3-4- still in the midst of war, desolation, and wide-spread famine by Peter H. Grisham - (1864) - 15 pages

Stone's river, the turning-point of the Civil War by Wilson J. Vance - (1914) - 72 pages

The Regular brigade of the 14th army corps, the Army of the Cumberland, in the battle of Stone River, or Murfreesboro', Tennessee, from December 31st, 1862, to January 3d, 1863, both dates inclusive by Frederick Phisterer - (1883) - 30 pages

The artillery of Nathan Bedford Forrest's cavalry, "the wizard of the saddle," by John Watson Morton - (1909) - 376 pages

Notes of a private, Tennessee Cavalry. 7th Regt., Co. E by John Milton Hubbard - (1909) - 196 pages,

History of the rebellion in Bradley County, East Tennessee by J.S. Hurlburt - (1866) -230 pages




in the

 Civil War

22 - Books


Roster of Wisconsin volunteers, war of the rebellion, 1861-1865, Volume 1,  by Wisconsin Adjutant General's Office - (1886) - 826 pages

Roster of Wisconsin volunteers, war of the rebellion, 1861-1865, Volume 2,  by Wisconsin Adjutant General's Office - (1886) - 789 pages

Wisconsin Civil War soldiers buried at Vicksburg National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Mississippi by Bev Hetzel - (N.D.) - 50 pages

The soldier bird. "Old Abe": the live war eagle of Wisconsin, that served a three years' campaign in the great rebellion by Joseph O. Barrett - (1876) - 125 pages

Wisconsin losses in the Civil War : a list of the names of Wisconsin soldiers killed in action, mortally wounded or dying from other causes in the Civil War, arranged according to organization, and also in a separate alphabetical list by Charles Edward Estabrook - (1915) - 360 pages

Story of the service of Company E : and the Twelfth Wisconsin Regiment, Veteran Volunteer Infantry, in the War of the Rebellion : beginning with September 7th, 1861, and ending with July 21st, 1865 by Hosea W. Rood - (1893) - 547 pages

Hand book of battles in the war of the rebellion showing the Union forces engaged therein, 1861-1865 by the Grand Army of the Republic Dept. of Wisconsin - (1903) - 108 pages

With the rank and file : incidents and anecdotes during the war of the rebellion, as remembered by one of the noncommissioned officers by Thomas J. Ford - (1898) - 106 pages

 Wisconsin in war, 1861-1898 by Robert Hastreiter - (1890) - 5 pages

Wisconsin women in the War between the States by Ethel Alice Hurn - (1911) - 190 pages

Economic History of Wisconsin during the Civil War decade by Frederick Merk - (1916) - 414 pages

Wisconsin deaths at Shiloh, Tennessee by Bev Hetzel - 38 pages

A bibliography of Wisconsin's participation in the war between the states by Issac Samuel Bradley - (1911) - 42 pages

Wisconsin soldiers and sailors reunion roster, containing the post office address, occupation and name of every Wisconsin soldier and sailor now living ... Also the name of every Wisconsin soldier who perished in the war ... Also, a complete roster of Wisconsin's armed military organizations ... together with ... historical sketches, personal reminiscences and anecdotes of Wisconsin men in the war by Wisconsin Soldiers Reunion Association - (1880) - 308 pages

Service with the 6th Wisconsin Volunteers by Rufus R. Dawes - (1890) - 330 pages

A narrative of service with the 3rd Wisconsin infantry by Julian Wisner Hinkley - (1912) - 197 pages04)

The Chattanooga campaign : with especial reference to Wisconsin's participation therein by Michael Hendrick Fitch - (1911) - 239 pages

Records and sketches of military organizations, population, legislation, election and other statistics relating to Wisconsin in the period of the civil war by Wisconsin Commission on Civil War Records - (1914) - 220 pages

Reminiscenes of the civil war by William Penn Lyon - (1907) - 284 pages

The military history of Wisconsin : a record of the civil and military patriotism of the state, in the war for the union, with a history of the campaigns in which Wisconsin soldiers have been conspicuous--regimental histories--sketches of distinguished officers--the roll of the illustrious dead--movements of the Legislature and state officers, etc by Edwin Bentley Quiner - (1866) - 1020 pages

The Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry ... An authentic record of the regiment from its organization to its muster out. A complete roster of its officers and men with their record ... a copy of every official paper in the War Department pertaining to the regiment ... With reminiscences from the author's private journal by James Madison Aubery - (1900) - 420 pages

Soldiers and citizens' album of biographical record [of Wisconsin] containing personal sketches of army men and citizens prominent in loyalty to the Union. Also a chronological and statistical history of the civil war and a history of the Grand Army of the Republic; with portraits of soldiers and prominent citizens by M.A.W. Brown - (1890) - 920 pages

The Ultimate




in the

 Civil War

42 - Books


A History of the Laurel brigade, originally the Ashby cavalry of the Army of northern Virginia and Chew's battery by William McDonald - (1907)- 499 pages

Army of northern Virginia memorial volume (1880) - John William Jones - 348 pages

The Army of Northern Virginia in 1862 by William Allan - (1892) - 537 pages A

Battle roll of Surry County, Virginia, in the War Between the States, with historical and personal notes by Benjamin Washington Jones - (1913) - 82 pages o

History of the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac, including that of the Army of Virginia (Pope's), and also the history of the operations of the federal cavalry in West Virginia during the war by Charles Dudley Rhodes - (1900) - 214 pages V

Last days of the Army of Northern Virginia; an address delivered before the Virginia Division of the Association of the Army of Northern Virginia at the annual meeting by Thomas Goode Jones - (1893) - 56 pages in 18

Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac; a critical history of operations in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, from the commencement to the close of the war by William Swinton - (1866) - 660 pages

History of the Seventeenth Virginia Infantry, C.S.A. by George Wise - (1870) - 324 pages

 Military operations in Jefferson County, Virginia (and West Va.) 1861-1865 by Farmers Advocate Print - (1911) - 56 pages92)

The army songster. Dedicated to the Army of northern Virginia by George L. Bidgood - (1864) - 72 pages

Reports of the operations of the Army of Northern Virginia : from June 1862, to and including the battle at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862, Volume 1 by Confederate States of America - (1864) - 626 pages

Reports of the operations of the Army of Northern Virginia : from June 1862, to and including the battle at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862, Volume 2 by Confederate States of America - (1864) - 626 pages

War history of the old 1st Virginia Infantry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia by Charles T. Loehr - (1884) - 87 pages

Detailed minutiae of soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865 by Carlton McCarthy - (1882) - 266 pages

Grants campaign in Virginia, 1864 (the Wilderness campaign) by Capt. Vaughan-Sawyer - (1908) - 264 pages

General Lee, his campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865 by Walter Herron Taylor - (1906) - 354 pages Lee, his campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865 906)

The surrender of General Lee and the Army of northern Virginia at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865; by Henry Bruce Scott - (1916) - 6 pages

The long arm of Lee; or, The history of the artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia; with a brief account of the Confederate bureau of ordnance, Volume 1 by Jennings Cropper Wise - (1915) - 496 pages

The long arm of Lee; or, The history of the artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia; with a brief account of the Confederate bureau of ordnance, Volume 2 by Jennings Cropper Wise - (1915) - 498 pages

The life and campaigns of Major-General J.E.B. Stuart : commander of the cavalry of the Army of northern Virginia by Henry Brainerd McClellan - (1885) - 468 pages

The story of a Cononeer under Stonewall Jackson - (1910) - Moore, Edward Alexander - 331 pages

Itinerary of the Army of the Potomac, and co-operating forces in the Gettysburg campaign, June 5 - July 31, 1863; organization of the Army of the Potomac and Army of northern Virginia at the battle of Gettysburg; and return of casualties in the Union and Confederate forces by Richard C. Drum - 69 pages

Bull run to Bull run; or, Four years in the army of northern Virginia. Containing a detailed account of the career and adventures of the Baylor Light Horse, Company B., Twelfth Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A., with leaves from my scrap-book by George Baylor - (1900) -  412 pages

Virginia before and during the war by H.H. Farmer - (1892) - 110 pages

Social life in old Virginia before the war by Thomas Nelson Page - (1897) - 110 pages

Virginia after the war. An account of three year's experience in reorganizing the Methodist Episcopal Church in Virginia at the close of the Civil War by Solomon L.M. Conser - (1891) - 102 pages

History of the 9th Virginia cavalry, in the war between the states by Richard Lee Tuberville Beale - (1899) - 186 pages

The Shenandoah Valley and Virginia, 1861 to 1865; a war study by Sanford Cobb Kellogg - (1903) - 256 pages

History of Clarke County, Virginia and its connection with the war between the states by Thomas Daniel Gold - (1914) - 382 pages

With Lee in Virginia : A story of the American Civil War by George Alfred Henty - (1890) - 452 pages

Memorial, Virginia military institute. Biographical sketches of the graduates and élèves of the Virginia military institute who fell during the war between the states by Charles D. Walker - (1875) - 604 pages

One of Jackson's foot cavalry; his experience and what he saw during the war 1861-1865, including a history of "F company," Richmond, Va., 21st regiment Virginia infantry, Second brigade, Jackson's division, Second corps, A. N. Va. - (1912) - Worsham, John H - 353 pages

Lee's invasion of northwest Virginia in 1861 by Granville Davisson Hall - (1911) - 176 pages

Mosby's Rangers : a record of the operations of the Forty-third Battalion of Virginia Cavalry, from its organization to the surrender by James Joseph Williamson - (1909) - 584 pages Army of northern  (1864)

A record of events in Norfolk County, Virginia, from April 19th, 1861, to May 10th, 1862, with a history of the soldiers and sailors of Norfolk County, Norfolk city and Portsmouth, who served in the Confederate States army or navy. By John W. H. Porter - (1892) - 386 pages

Personal reminiscences of the war of 1861-5; in camp--en bivouac--on the march--on picket--on the skirmish line--on the battlefield--and in prison by William Henry Morgan - (1911) - 304 pages

Reminiscences of a Rebel, Virginia Infantry Regiment 40th by Wayland Fuller Dunaway - (1913) - 144 pages\

Reminiscences of a Mosby guerilla (1906) - Munson, John W. - 277 pages

Reminiscences of the year of 1861-1865 (Virginia Infantry 12th Reg.)  by Philip Francis Brown - (1912) - 60 pages

Mosby and his men : a record of the adventures of that renowned partisan ranger, John S. Mosby, ; including the exploits of Smith, Chapman, Richards, Montjoy, Turner, Russell, Glasscock, and the men under them by J. Marshall Crawford - (1867) - 412 pages

Reminiscences of a Confederate soldier of Co. C, 2nd Va. Cavalry - (1913) - Peck, Rufus H. - 73 pages

War reminiscences by the surgeon of Mosby's command - (1890) - Monteiro, Aristides - 236 pages

The Ultimate



West Virginia

in the

 Civil War

12 - Books


History of the 2nd regiment W. Virginia cavalry volunteers by J.J. Sutton - (1892)- 392 pages

History of the 12th W. Virginia Volunteer Infantry by William Hewitt - (1900) - 260 pages

Loyal W. Virginia from 1861 to 1865 : with an introductory chapter on the status of Virginia for 30 years prior to the war by Theodore F Lang - (1895) - 488 pages

History of the 5th W. Virginia Cavalry, formerly the 2nd Virginia Infantry, and of Battery G, 1st West Va. Light Artillery by Francis Smith Reader - (1890) - 382 pages

Military operation's in Jefferson County, Virginia (and W. Virginia) 1861-1865 - (1911) - 56 pages

Recollections of W. Virginia campaign, with "The 3 months troops" May, June, and July 1861 by Henry Washington Benham - (1873) - 32 pages

The flying, gray-hair Yank; or, The adventures of a volunteer ... A true narrative of the Civil War by Michael Egan - (1888) - 446 pages

Autobiography of Dr. Tom H. Barton ... : including a history of the 4th Regt. W. Virginia. Vol. Inf'y, with an account of Col. Lightburn's retreat down the Kanawha Valley, Gen. Grant's Vicksburg and Chattanooga campaigns, together with the several battles in which the Fourth Regiment was engaged, and its losses by disease, desertion and in battle by Thomas H. Barton - (1890) - 364 pages

Vicksburg and Chattanooga campaigns, together with the several battles in  Lees invasion of northwest Virginia in 1861 by Granville Davison Hall - (1911) - 176 pages

the Fourth Regiment was engaged, and its losses by disease, desertion and  Report of the procedings of the Society of the Army of West Virginia, at its first three meetings : held at Moundsville, West Virginia, September 22d and 23d, 1870. Wheeling, West Virginia, Oct. 19th and 20th, 1871. Marietta, Ohio, September 19th, 1879. With constitution and by-laws of the Society by Society of the Army of West Virginia, D.L. Clark and R. Iguana - (1880) - 56 pages battle (1890) Autobiography of Dr. Thomas H. Barton ... : including a history of the Fourth Regt.

Report on the organizations and campaigns of the Army of the Potomac by George Brinton McClellan - (1864) - 480 pages

Story of war told by soldiers (Introduction.- Life at Little Crastis.- The first Bull Run.- Fort Henry and Fort Donelson.- General McClellan and the Peninsula.- West Virginia.- Antietam.- Pittsburg Landing.- Vicksburg.- Gettysburg.- Chickamauga and Chattanooga.- Grant's advance on Richmond.- The wilderness.- Sheridan's ride.- Sherman's great march.- Nashville.- Siege of Richmond.- The last week) by Edward Everett Hale - (1880) - 254 pages




in the

 Civil War

22 - Books


Rosters of Wisconsin volunteers, war of the rebellion, 1861-1865, Volume 1,  by Wisconsin Adjutant General's Office - (1886) - 826 pages

Rosters of Wisconsin volunteers, war of the rebellion, 1861-1865, Volume 2,  by Wisconsin Adjutant General's Office - (1886) - 789 pages

Wisconsin's Civil War soldiers buried at Vicksburg National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Mississippi by Bev Hetzel - (N.D.) - 50 pages

The soldiers bird. "Old Abe": the live war eagle of Wisconsin, that served a three years' campaign in the great rebellion by Joseph O. Barrett - (1876) - 125 pages

Wisconsin's losses in the Civil War : a list of the names of Wisconsin soldiers killed in action, mortally wounded or dying from other causes in the Civil War, arranged according to organization, and also in a separate alphabetical list by Charles Edward Estabrook and R. Iguana- (1915) - 360 pages

Stories of the service of Company E : and the Twelfth Wisconsin Regiment, Veteran Volunteer Infantry, in the War of the Rebellion : beginning with September 7th, 1861, and ending with July 21st, 1865 by Hosea W. Rood - (1893) - 547 pages

Handbook of battles in the war of the rebellion showing the Union forces engaged therein, 1861-1865 by the Grand Army of the Republic Dept. of Wisconsin - (1903) - 108 pages

With the rank & file : incidents and anecdotes during the war of the rebellion, as remembered by one of the noncommissioned officers by Thomas J. Ford - (1898) - 106 pages

 Wisconsin in war, 1861-1898 by Robert Hastreiter - (1890) - 5 pages

Wisconsin women in the War between the States by Ethel Alice Hurn - (1911) - 190 pages

Economic History of Wisconsin during the Civil War decade by Frederick Merk - (1916) - 414 pages

Wisconsins deaths at Shiloh, Tennessee by Bev Hetzel - 38 pages

A bibliography of Wisconsin participation in the war between the states by Issac Samuel Bradley - (1911) - 42 pages

Wisconsin soldier's and sailor's reunion roster, containing the post office address, occupation and name of every Wisconsin soldier and sailor now living ... Also the name of every Wisconsin soldier who perished in the war ... Also, a complete roster of Wisconsins armed military organizations ... together with ... historical sketches, personal reminiscences and anecdotes of Wisconsin men in the war by Wisconsin Soldiers Reunion Association - (1880) - 308 pages

Service with the 6th Wisconsin Volunteers by Rufus R. Dawes - (1890) - 330 pages

A narrative of service with the 3rd Wisconsin infantry by Julian Wisner Hinkley - (1912) - 197 pages04)

The Chattanooga campaign : with especial reference to Wisconsin's participation therein by Michael Hendrick Fitch - (1911) - 239 pages

Records and sketches of military organizations, population, legislation, election and other statistics relating to Wisconsin in the period of the civil war by Wisconsin Commission on Civil War Records - (1914) - 220 pages

Reminiscenes of the civil war by William Penn Lyon - (1907) - 284 pages

The military history of Wisconsin : a record of the civil and military patriotism of the state, in the war for the union, with a history of the campaigns in which Wisconsin soldiers have been conspicuous--regimental histories--sketches of distinguished officers--the roll of the illustrious dead--movements of the Legislature and state officers, etc by Edwin Bentley Quiner - (1866) - 1020 pages

The 36th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry ... An authentic record of the regiment from its organization to its muster out. A complete roster of its officers and men with their record ... a copy of every official paper in the War Department pertaining to the regiment ... With reminiscences from the author's private journal by James Madison Aubery - (1900) - 420 pages

Soldiers and citizens' album of biographical record [of Wisconsin] containing personal sketches of army men and citizens prominent in loyalty to the Union. Also a chronological and statistical history of the civil war and a history of the Grand Army of the Republic; with portraits of soldiers and prominent citizens by M.A.W. Brown - (1890) - 920 pages

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