Volume 2 - Two Years of Grim War. (363 pages)
Volume 3 - The decisive battles. (353 pages)
Volume 4 - The cavalry. (336 pages)
Volume 5 - Forts and artillery. (316 pages)
Volume 6 - The navies. (322 pages)
Volume 7 - Prisons and hospitals. (352 pages)
Volume 8 - Soldier life, Secret service. (382 pages)
Volume 9 - Poetry and Eloquence of Blue and Gray. (353 pages)
Volume 10 - Armies and leaders. (362 pages)The American Civil War (1861–1865) was the fourth war in history to be caught on camera. The first three were the Mexican-American War (1846–1848) the Crimean War (1854–1856) and Indian Rebellion of 1857.Photography profoundly changed the way wars were covered and viewed. Any grandeur and sweetness of an aftermath of a victorious battle, which was once up to a painter to portray, all of a sudden became uninterpretable. Losing its subjectivity, the true terror of war could not be hidden anymore. Americans for the first time saw the vividly horrific photographs of maimed and dying fellow Americans in agony slowly withering away on a battlefield far away from their homes. Astonishment and shock, not toward the cruelty of war as much as to the newly innovated barbaric weapons of war left Americans bewildered. As newspapers did not yet have the technology or equipment for making half-tone blocks, magazines across the land published cadaverous pictorial representations of the worst of humanity. “BONUS CD”With 2 more Books Containing Hundreds More PhotosThe Civil War through the Camera :Hundreds of vivid photographs actually taken in Civil War times, together with Elson's new history by Henry William Elson - (1912) – 598 pagesPleasants Photograph Album by Frances Pleasants:Photograph album of Frances Pleasants, who taught wounded soldiers at the Army Hospital in Germantown, PA during the Civil War. Presented to her by her patients, it contains photographs of them as well as other Civil War images –(1865) - 56 pages