-Adventures Among the Commanches-The Language, Numbers, Habits, Etc. of the Indians of the Great West-Wild Life on the Plains—Indian Character, Traits, and Peculiarities-Indian Chiefs and Rulers—Tribal Government—How Place and Power are Won-Swindling and Robbing the Indians-The Great Mystery of Indian Medicine-The Medicine Chief—His Great Power and Influence-Secret Rites and Religious Ceremonies of the Indians-Hoch-E-A-Yum—the Great Medicine Dance-Indian Methods of Self-Torture-Burial of the Dead-Childhood and Youth—Life and Training of Indian Boys and Girls-Love Making in an Indian Camp-Indian Women—Their virtues and vices-Indian Names, Titles, and Epithets-Everyday Indian Life-Indian Skill and Handiwork—Occupations of Camp and Lodge-Trade and Barter—The victims and prey of Indian “Traders”-Indian Cooks and Cooking-The Buffalo and its Destruction-Clothing, Finery, and Personal Adornment of Indians-Disease and Death-Indian Gamblers—Their Games of Skill and Chance—Drunkenness-Indian Amusements and Sports-Indian Music and Musicians-Indian Dances-The Sign Language-Indian Chronology—Devices for Reckoning Time-Indian Art and Artists-Indian Weapons—How they are made—Skill and expertise in their use-Indian Drill—Signal Fires and Smokes-Indian Fighting—Their mode of warfare-Army Life on the Plains-Army Experiences on the Frontier—Powell’s Fight-General Mackenzie’s fight with the Cheyennes-Winter on the Plaints-Taking the Scalp-Prisoners among the Indians—Victims for the Torture-The Captive’s Fate—Indian Cruelty and Horrible devices of Torture-How Indians Travel-Indian Hunters-Domestic Animals-Frontiersmen—Texas Cowboys and Border Desperados-Border Buffalos-Frontier Scouts and Guides-The Present and Future of the Indians